[As many of our readers remember Rev. Hinman, who accompanied the Sioux to this place and delivered a sermon not long since, we publish the following account of his labors among Indians taken from the Indian Herald published at Osage Agency, Indian Territory.]
Rev. S. D. Hinman.
In a glance at the daily papers, we see "The Treacherous Redskins" in bold capitals, and if these partisan sheets afforded us our only means of obtaining a knowledge of Indians, we should feel more excusable in believing them to be untrustworthy, but while the Iape Oaye, Indian Herald, and similar publications are contained as disseminators of truth among impartial thinkers, "The Treacherous Red Skins," as such, will never be known to any save the treacherous and untrustworthy whites; and while such hearts beat as the one which throbs in the bosom of the man whose name heads this article, there can always be shown a better side, than is represented by political tricksters.
More than twenty years ago the Rev. Mr. Hinman went, alone and unprotected by any save He who touches with a finger of love, tenders and softens the hardest hearts, to the lodges of the Indians on the Minnesota River, where he commenced camp life as one of their own number, and when they were satisfied of his good intentions, he commenced the work of instruction the children and their mothers, and through them he reached the wild and war-like fathers.
In the Indian war of 1861, Mr. Hinman was warned of impending danger by his Indian friends in time to take them to a military post for protection, and after the storm was over, they were removed to Dakota Territory where many of them died of starvation during the first winter. Here they built a chapel and also established three stations or outposts. The work of civilizing and christianizing Sioux Indians had a small beginning, but it has been blessed and continuous to advance.
Four Indian clergymen, two of whom are full blood Sioux, are now engaged on the proof sheets of a bible and common prayer book which are being printed in their own language. They now have several publications of their own and among which is the "Gospel among the Dakotas" which we think would interest any of our readers. Nine of the tribe became ministers and preach the gospel to their own people and in their own language, often at the risk of their lives.
One of these pioneers of the gospel was waylaid and killed by a brother in ambush, and another froze to death. Meetings for religious worship are attended by Indians from every quarter of the reservation; they have a full blood organist and a full blood choir.
A committee composed of Wm. Allison, Cliff. Wood, Frank Williams, Rev. Platter, E. C. Manning, and Dr. Mansfield from Winfield visited this place Tuesday, March 27, for the purpose of combining an east and west railroad proposition with the Walnut Valley project. A meeting was held in Pearson's Hall in the afternoon, and a committee of seven elected to meet and confer with them, composed of Amos Walton, James Benedict, Frank Lorry, S. P. Channell, C. R. Mitchell, J. C. McMullen, and C. M. Scott.
The committee from this place agreed to unite the two propositions if they could be voted on at the same time on the same ballot, and if it was not legal to vote for both on the same ballot, then they wanted the Winfield people to vote for the Walnut Valley project first, and our people would give them every reasonable assurance and pledges that they would support the proposition offered, or any definite project from the east.
No positive agreement could be made and the matter was
Railroad Meeting.
A meeting was held at Pearson's Hall on Tuesday, March 27th, to consult with a delegation from Winfield on railroad matters. S. P. Channell was elected chairman and I. H. Bonsall, secretary.
Rev. Platter requested Col. Manning to address the meeting, and explain a proposition he had with him for an east and west road; also to inform our citizens of the actions of meetings held at Winfield on railroad matters. He said that Winfield wished to avoid a clash, if possible, and to come to some understanding with this part of the county in regard to railroads. Mr. Millington and himself were sent by the people of Winfield to the eastern part of the State, to see what the prospects were for an east and west line. They went to Fredonia first, and found things too uncertain there to make it worth while to wait on the uncertainty; from thence to Parsons, where they found the people holding a conference with Eastern contractors; from there they proceeded to Oswego, and found the situation such as to give no hope of help from that quarter. They then returned to Parsons, and had a full conference with the Parsons men, and found as good prospects for a road from that point as from Emporia.
Col. Manning admitted that a proposition he read for the Parsons raod had not been accepted by the railroad company, but that he would make the company accept it.
They returned by the Parsons route proposed, and in their estimation found a good route. The franchise is being worked up as far as the east line of Elk county.
In Elk county the petition had been signed by a sufficient number, but they preferred to change the proposition from township bonds to county bonds, as the recent change in the railroad law made it possible to carry county bonds.
Winfield feels that an election for railroad bonds at this time would be premature, and prefers to wait until the other counties have voted and secured a line to Cowley county.
Rev. Platter thought Col. Manning had given a true version of the case as it now stood, and said that Mr. Hamilton, a civil engineer, wanted Winfield to call an election for the Parsons road. He believed that the present proposition of the Emporia road ws such as would not be sustained at all, there being clauses which, in his estimation, could not be changed to suit at all.
He said Winfield wanted an east and west proposition submitted at the same time that the north and south proposition was submitted, and that if Arkansas City wanted a north and south road, she must consent to an east and west road to secure the support of Winfield.
C. M. Scott moved to appoint a committee of seven to confer with the Winfield delegation, and see if a compromise could not be agreed upon. After considerable discussion, the motion was seconded, and the following committee appointed: Frank Lorry, of Bolton, Amos Walton, C. R. Mitchell, S. P. Channell, James Benedict, C. M. Scott, and Col. McMullen.
On motion meeting adjourned, to give the committees time to confer.
S. P. CHANNELL, Chairman.
I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.
An Exciting Day in Cedar Vale.
On Thursday, the 22nd inst., about half past nine a.m., the cry of fire! fire! rang out shrill and clear upon the morning air.
A large crowd soon gathered at the scene, and they found a barn and haystacks belonging to Mr. Davis all ablaze. The barn was situated between his dwelling and store, and the first efforts were to put out the fire. But they found it impossible, and then turned their attention to protecting the store, and a large corn crib which was contiguous.
By strong and effective work on behalf of the citizens, the fire was kept away from the store. The corn crib, containing several hundred bushels of corn, twice caught fire, but was each time put out. The loss is estimated at from $500 to $800.
The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks flying from the flue of his dwelling. It was a very windy day--blowing a perfect gale, and sparks were seen dropping near the barn. There were numerous people from the country who assisted in putting out the fire. Otherwise, the whole town would, doubtless, have been laid in ruins.
After the fire was entirely subdued, the cry of fire again startled the citizens. This time the fire originated in the building known as the Titus house, occupied by Mr. Cox and the editor's family. This fire also was caused by a defective flue. Citizens again answered the call and this fire was soon extinguished, doing but very little damage.
White people must get off of this reservation.
The atmosphere was laden with the fragrance of the dead--dogs.
David Finney will quit the Osages and try his hand in Arkansas City.
Governor Florer is studying botany. He has the largest garden of our knowledge.
ELMS are in bloom.
JOE DISSER has a jour.
PEACH trees are in bloom.
BEES are gathering pollen.
NEW AWNING in front of Hartsock's.
NEWMAN wants all the wheat he can buy.
KICKAPOOS are coming in from the hunt.
OSAGES say the eagle is not the king of birds.
We must have more dwelling houses in town.
MR. SAMUEL HOYT left this morning for Canada.
JOHN SMALLEY has returned to the land of promise.
OSAGES think the sun sets in a hole in the ground.
THOS. E. BERRY purchased A. O. Porter's house yesterday.
MISS MATTIE MITCHELL has recovered sufficiently to sit up in bed.
JAMES I. MITCHELL sold seventeen set of harness to the Osages this week.
BERRY BROS. sold over $200 worth of groceries to the Pawnees last week.
ESQUIRE COBURN and Samuel Jay leave for Colorado next week, by wagon.
CAPT. NORTH, of Emporia, made his regular visit to this place last week.
HENRY PRUDEN, the enterprising farmer of Salt City, has forty acres of corn planted.
A printer by the name of Norton called this week. He was on his spring's wandering tour.
MR. FINLEY, who bought a part of the Wilson farm north of town, last fall, will be here this week.
The survey of the Arkansas City and Independence State road began at this place late today.
The fire last week in South Bend destroyed full grown hedges, several stables, and a quantity of corn.
H. P. STANDLEY made a trip to Wichita this week to "prove up" on his 80 acre claim, near Grouse creek.
SHERB HUNT's house came very near being destroyed by fire last Friday. It caught from the stove pipe.
CITY ELECTION. The election of city officers took place last Monday, quietly and peacably, with the following result.
Mayor: Dr. Kellogg.
Police Judge: Jas. Christian.
Councilmen: James Benedict, H. P. Farrar,
James I. Mitchell, H. Godehard,
I. H. Bonsall.
There was another ticket in the field, composed of Wm. Sleeth for Mayor, Judge Christian for Police Judge, and A. A. Newman, O. P. Houghton, E. D. Eddy, J. A. Loomis, and J. T. Shepard, for Councilmen; but as one was composed of, or was generally understood to be "license" men, the issue was made "license" and "anti-license," and the vote stood 70 for the former and 41 for the latter. Both tickets were composed of the best men of the community.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, March 28th, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, MR. WILLIAM N. WRIGHT and MISS XINA COWLES, both of this county.
MR. ABNER LEMERT, OF CEDARVALE, AND I. H. BONSALL, OF ARKANSAS CITY, appointed Road Commissioners to locate State Road from Arkansas City, in Cowley county, to Independence, Montgomery county, met at Arkansas City, Monday, April 2nd, and elected
J. S. Cotton to fill the vacancy occasioned by I. H. Pugh's absence. After being sworn in, Mr. Lemert was elected Chairman and I. H. Bonsall, secretary.
NEW ARRIVALS. On the night of the 29th of March, at the residences of two of our citizens, Judge Christian and J. M. Holloway, each of said families have two additional mouths to provide for. The youngsters are all pert and lively. With this kind of immigration, Cowley will soon take rank with the most populous counties in the State.
CORN is worth more at this place than at Wichita. Here is is held at 30 cents, and at Wichita it is but 26; and the farmers ask 30 cents for corn in the crib in this vicinity. Very little wheat is being hauled to Wichita, and buyers say it is the dullest time they have had for a long time.
MR. TRISSELL, the invincible tree agent, has closed out about all of his trees, hedge, small fruit, etc., at this city. Parties that ordered stock increased their orders from one-third to one-half, claiming the stock to be better than represented. Such a gentleman is worthy of patronage.
We notice by the Indian Herald that our friend, James G. Chatham, of the Kansas City Times, had his leg broken while on his way to the Osage Agency. We are sorry for Jim, but then he is fearful tough and can stand it.
PONY SALE. Thirty head of ponies were sold at Cheyenne Agency last Saturday, being the property of Richard Wanamaker, who was murdered by Dick Simpson near Cheyenne Agency on November 24th, 1876.
DIED. Of consumption, on Saturday, March 31st, after many weeks of painful suffering, James Barr, aged 25 years. He leaves a wife and three children. The burial ceremony was performed on last Sunday.
In the race for Mayor last Monday, H. D. Kellogg received 72 votes, Major Sleeth 40, and Rev. Thompson 1.
For Police Judge, James Christian received 112 votes, and Rev. David Thompson 1.
For Councilmen, Jas. Benedict received 72, E. P. Farrar 72, Jas. I. Mitchell 72, H. Godehard 71, I. H. Bonsall 71, A. A. Newman 40, O. P. Houghton 40, E. D. Eddy 40, J. A. Loomis 40, Dr. J. T. Shepard 40, Rev. Wingar 1, Rev. Swarts 1, Rev. Will York 1, L. C. Norton 1, J. C. Topliff 3, Sherb Hunt 1.
The employees on the Arkansas City and Independence State road are John Myrtle, surveyor; J. C. Evans and Marshal Evans, chairmen; P. Lorry, flagman, W. J. Gray, marksman; Chas. Balcom, cook; Jas. Jordon and a man from Cedar Vale, teamsters, and the three Commissioners, I. H. Bonsall, J. S. Cotton, of Montgomery county, and A. Lemert of Chautauqua county.
BADLY BURNED. MR. COLLINS, living near Flat Station, set fire to the grass Monday evening, while his two little children were close by, and the flames caught the clothes of his little girl, and before they could be subdued, burned her so badly that it is doubtful if she will recover, and even is she should, it is thought her arm would have to be amputated.
WINFIELD CITY OFFICERS. The election of city officers at Winfield last Monday resulted in the following vote: For Mayor R. L. Walker, 119, Dr. Davis, 82. Police Judge--J. W. Curns, 197. Councilmen--Wilson, 201; Jachon, 195; Baird, 197; S. C. Smith 122; Cliff Wood, 106; Charles Black, 88; S. H. Myton, 89. The first five were elected.
A PROPOSITION to include the road from town to the Arkansas river bridge, into this road district, has been suggested by Judge McIntire and meets with general favor. By that means the road tax of this district could be used to good advantage in making it a passable road. Heretofore all the road tax has not been expended.
A meeting of the board of Creswell and Bolton Townships will be held at the bridge Friday morning at ten o'clock to examine the Arkansas river bridge and decide upon repairing it.
AGENT BEEDE, wife and daughter were here yesterday. Also, Mr. Hopkins, of Osage Agency. It is a pleasure to see such representatives of the peace commissioners as Mr. Beede.
CHARLES McINTIRE, who has been in Arkansas for several months, returned last week. Will Leonard, who went with him, remained there. Charley don't go much on that region.
MR. CRIM left for Colorado yesterday. Nesmite, Dwyer, Sherb. Hunt, John Grimes, and A. O. Porter start for California and Oregon soon, and Austin Bailey has left for Emporia.
RUNAWAY. A team belonging to Mr. Stansburry, ran with a wagon a distance of six miles yesterday. They started up the Arkansas and ran into town before they were stopped.
WAGA-res-sa-gab-ha, (Ed. Finney), is visiting Osage Agency this week. The above is his Indian name, and means "make write," or the man that writes.
BUB. WILSON killed a rattlesnake with seventeen rattles and a button on its tail. A. O. Hoyt purchased it and sent it with his father to Canada.
MISS MINNIE HOUGHTON returned to her home in Weld, Maine, last Monday, in company with T. H. McLaughlin.
JUDGE CHRISTIAN's twins are doing finely. The little fellows are as pert as crickets, and as playful as kittens.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. McCormick a nine pound girl, Tuesday evening. Dr. Holland, general superintendent.
DIED. On the 28th inst., Albert G., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Goodrich. Age 3 years and 8 months.
1,000 LADIES WANTED. To examine my New and Elegant Stock of Millinery. Ladies' Furnishing and Fancy Goods. Prices to suit all. Goods as cheap as the cheapest. Berlin Patterns of every style. Room corner Central Avenue and Summit Streets, Arkansas City. MRS. D. B. HARTSOCK.
NOTICE. I will be absent some two or three weeks on business. All work due can be had by calling at the house.
FOUND at the church Wednesday evening, a lady's
100 Bushels of corn for sale by F. M. Vaughn, 3 miles east of town.
Retail Market.
Prints, 8-1/4 cents
Flour, $3.50 @ $4.00
Bacon, 16 cents
Lard, 12 cents
Butter, 18 @ 20 cents
Eggs, 8 cents
Molasses, 60 @ $1.25
Sugar from, 6 to 8 lbs. for $1
Dried Apples, 10 @ 12 cents
Peaches, 15 cents
Currants, 12-1/2 cents
Prunes, 10 cents
Blackberries, 15 cents
Salt, $1.75 @ $2.00 cwt.
Rope, 15 cents
Potatoes, $1.00 bu.
Tea from, 40 @ $1.25
Coffee from, 25 to 40 cents
Coal Oil, 50 cents
Flooring from, $2.50 @ $4.00
Common Boards, $3.50
Siding, $2.70
Lathes, per 1,000, $5.50
Native Lumber, $2.15 @ $2.50
Pine Shingles, $4.00
Skunk and pole cat, 10 to 25 cents
Kitten, 25 cents
Oppossum, 60 cents
Coon, 25 to 50 cents
Wild cat, 20 cents
Badger, 10 to 20 cents
Mink, 60 cents
Wolf, 40 to 75 cents
Beaver, 75 cents to $1.25 per lb.
NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Creswell Township will issue to the Missouri Valley Bridge Co. on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1877, bonds to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), for the purpose of building a bridge over the Walnut river near Newman's mill.
Signed, T. McINTIRE, Trustee,
WYARD E. GOOCH, Treasurer,
W. D. MOWRY, Clerk.
SALT CITY, March 30, 1877.
A mining party leaves here next week for the San Juan mines. Among the number are J. J. Letts, Dr. Covell, Jno. Reynolds, Will and Hugh Walker.
While Dr. Covell was out hunting geese, his gun bursted, and a piece of the barrel struck him in the face. He is doing well.
An entertainment was given by the Salt City Literary Society last Thursday evening. It was a grand success.
A great many grasshoppers were hatched out previous to the last rain storm; from appearances most of them were destroyed.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Palmer, on the 18th inst., a boy, weight 10-1/2 pounds, all doing well.
Trees are leafing out; Geese are flying north.
Prairie fires can be seen every night.
The Kaw Indians are dying at a fearful rate.
While some of the leaders of Winfield oppose the present offer of a railroad, all the mechanics and laboring men know it will be for their interests, and will vote for it.
A shower of rain fell last Wednesday night, during which thunder and lightning prevailed, and the chimney of Thos. Baker's restaurant was struck, cracking the chimney, but doing no serious damage.
A tenant house belonging to Rev. D. Thompson, near the Parker school house, with forty bushels of corn belonging to his tenant, W. H. Sims, was burned on the night of the 26th, through the recklessness of some persons who set fire to the grass near said dwelling.
The following teachers received certificates at the examination at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th.
Misses Emma Burden, Sallie Levering, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hanse, Ida Roberts, Arvilla Elliott, Mary Tucker, Effie Randall, Mary Lynn Emma Saint, Dora Winslow.
Mrs. M. S. Tucker, Mr. S. J. Hospell, Mrs. A. R. Houser, Mrs. Adelia Baird.
Sixteen received certificates. Whole number of applicatns thirty-seven. The first three received first grades. Many who failed have been teaching in the county two and three years.
WINFIELD CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, D. A. Millington.
Police Judge, J. W. Curns.
Members of the Council: M. G. Troup, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers.
Clerk, B. F. Baldwin.
City Attorney, J. E. Allen.
Marshal, Walter Dening.
Examining Surgeon U. S. Pensioners: W. Q. Mansfield.
Trustee, J. S. Hunt.
Treasurer, B. F. Baldwin.
Clerk, E. S. Bedillion.
Justices of the Peace: Wm. M. Boyer; J. W. Carns.
Constables: Ed. Evans; Burt Covert.
The County to be Deprived of a Railroad
On Account of Local Jealousies.
The following letter from the representatives of the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railway, to the committee who were sent from this place to overtake and confer with them, explains itself, and is plain to all under the present disposition of some parties who claim to represent communities, if their course of action is not changed, the county will be deprived of a railroad.
HOWARD CITY, KAS., March 17th, 1877.
Messrs. W. M. Sleeth and T. H. McLaughlin:
GENTLEMEN: As representatives of the company proposing to construct the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern R. R., we thought it unadvisable to submit the matter to the further consideration of the people of your county, owing to divisions arising from local jealousies. In this view we may be mistaken. As you desire, however, to have an expression of your county, we will say that if you act promptly and favorably upon the proposition, the company will build the road.
At a railroad meeting, called at Winfield on the 14th inst., to take in consideration a proposition from the representatives from the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern railroad company to extend their contemplated line of narrow gauge road down the Walnut Valley, in consideration of certain aid to be furnished by the county, the proposition was, by vote, rejected, thus giving the company to understand that the people of Winfield are no narrow gauge men, especially when that gauge is not exclusively in the interest of that city.
Oxford Independent.
STANDARD GAUGE (4 FEET 8-1/2 INCHES)...Iron laid on standard gauge roads is usually 56 pounds or 60 pounds to the yard; the cost laid down in Kansas would be about $48 per ton, or from $4,224 to $4,524 per mile.
NARROW GAUGE (3 FEET)...Iron laid on narrow gauge roads weighs 30 pounds to the yard; the cost laid down in Kansas would be about _________ [not given in this article.]
Engineering $ 150 $ 150
Grading 1,350 900
Spikes 300 200
Fish-plates 250 140
Bolts 75 50
Ties, 2,640 to the mile 870 580
Iron, 56 pounds to the yard 4,824 2,356
Bridging and culverts 550 300
Right-of-way, assuming that a
large portion would be donated. 275 200
Station houses, water stations, etc. 400 300
Sundries 300 150
Fencing 400 400
Track laying and surfacing 500 225
_______ _______
Cost of road per mile: $ 9,944 $ 5,951
Rolling stock for a moderate
equipment. 4,800 3,500
_______ _______
Cost of road and equipment
per mile. $14,444 $ 8,451
[Gather these so-called facts were obtained from the Chicago InterOcean. I found them very confusing!]
Fight Between the Comanches and White Hunters.
From a gentleman who has just returned from Fort Sill, we learn that a fight took place between eight hunters and a band of 250 Quahada Comanche renegade Indians known as Mauwa's band, who have been absent from the Agency some time, in the Pan Handle of Texas, about 200 miles west of the Kiowa and Comanche Agency, not far from Double Mountain. The whites had lost some ponies and followed the trail until they came upon them in a ravine, when one man held the horses while the seven went to fight. Finding more Indians than they expected, the man left had to tie the horses, in order to help. The Indians seeing the horses tied ran upon them and stampeded them. The hunters finally had to beat a retreat, following a creek all day, in order to keep out of sight. The Indians, thinking that there were a number of whites, did not push them, so that by several days hard travel they reached a trading post and were safe. In the fight "Spotted Jack," a half-breed darkey, was wounded in the left thigh. D. Cairns, who came up the road with a load of buffalo meat, last week, had been with Marshall Sewell, of Missouri, who had been killed a few days before the fight took place. There are about 500 buffalo hunters in the Pan Handle, and a company of 100 men was organized and started in pursuit of the band that murderead Sewell, from Charley Rath's ranche. Also a company of soldiers from Fort Griffin, Texas, and two from Fort Sill, Indian Terri-tory, and two from Fort Elliot, Texas.
The above report comes direct from Mr. N. A. Haight, and we believe will be substantiated.
Nail Down the Hatchways!
Prepare for Action.
This is the language of the heading of an unfair article in the Courier of March 29. If it means anything, it means a deadly, bitter fight; and it would be well if all the fair and impartial citizens of Cowley county would honestly consider what this man, who thus pretends to represent the city and citizens of Winfield and the people of Cowley county, is determined to fight in such a bitter way. Surely the city of Winfield must be in great danger to thus have to prepare her decks for action. What is it? you ask. Well it is simply this: Certain gentlemen of known wealth and reputation, having secured the confidence and franchises of Lyon county, proposed to build a road of three feet gauge to and through the city of Winfield. The Courier man has said himself that the men who are backing the road are able to build it.
Then flows an enumeration of Winfield objections to the proposition of the company, which is characterized as an arbitrary provision. Now will the people of Cowley county go back on the record a few years and test the sincerity of the citizens of Winfield, and of the writer of the article, "Clear the Decks." He and they not only advocated such a proposition before, but he, the aforesaid writer, was very anxious to have the escrow part fulfilled. He hankered more after crow a year or two ago than he does now. Then it was perfectly proper and safe; now it is dangerous. Now, again, go back on the record a little over a year ago, when the writer of "Clear the Decks," was anxious to form a local company and build a narrow gauge road from Emporia. If this gentleman and one or two others who were intimately connected with him will refresh their memories, they will find that they stated over and over again that $150,000 was not enough for building through the county.
You see it makes some difference who is to handle the bonds as to how much the county ought to give--according to some people's notions. Now we will make a quotation to show the unfairness of this article, and the evident determination of the writer, whose malignant feeling toward Arkansas City is shown in every line. We quote:
"Without coming to any agreement, the gentlemen went to Arkansas City, and soon thereafter we find men in every township in the county from Arkansas City, circulating petitions."
An omission of the writer makes a lie and a misstatement in the above as much so as though he had put it into words. He should have been sworn to tell the whole truth.
He forgot to tell the people of Cowley county that the gentlemen representing the road returned to Winfield, and with them a deputation of the best citizens of Arkansas City, and that they stayed all day; and that the citizens of Winfield would not even get together in a room and state what modifications they wanted, nor listen to any terms of agreement, but treated the citizens of their neighboring city with such marked disrespect as to amount almost to insult; that they said, in effect, "Winfield controls the county--when we get ready to say the word, Arkansas City and the country townships can walk up to the trough and drink, and not until then."
After this, in the same article, comes a statement in regard to a committee from Winfield visiting Arkansas City, and again the writer's memory proves treacherous, and he only states that their committee offered to put in $100,000 each for an east and west and a north and south road--forgetting entirely to state that they offered to give $120,000 to a north and south road, and take just enough to bring an east and west road to the city of Winfield, and no further.
He forgot, also, to state that they had no reliable, reasonable project to present at Arkansas City, or anywhere else, in regard to a road from the east.
To conclude this article, I would make this one observation in the shape of an appeal to all fair minded citizens, and especially to the farmers and producers of the county: There is in the article referred to a feeling of malignity exhibited against a thriving village in your midst, in which you cannot share. It may be only the embers of a bitter political controversy, only existing in the mind of one man, and it may be the feeling of property holders in the city of Winfield, who think that they will be largely benefitted by anything which will destroy the growth of a sister town. But neither reason applies to the large majority of the citizens of the county. Every dollar of taxable property added to either city helps the county so much towards lightening the burden of taxation, and is an aid to them.
A. W.
Railroad Matters.
The committee who went from this place to Augusta, learning that Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge intended going to Winfield to confer with the people of that plce, at the urgent request of one of the citizens and a member of the Railroad Committee of Winfield, sent word for a delegation to come up to agree to a new proposition. A number went, but upon their arrival, found that no agreement could be made, as the Committee of Winfield had stated they could entertain any proposition from the north, as they had one from the east. Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge then came to this place and submitted the proposition to Cresswell Township to build their road down the west side of the Walnut by Township aid. The same proposition will be submitted to Rock, Nennescah, Vernon, Beaver, Cresswell, Bolton, and probably Pleasant Valley Townships, and if the aid is rendered, the road will be built.
In the evening a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the church, during which a stirring speech was made by Mr. Eskridge, and remarks by Mr. Young, Rev. Fleming, Judge Christian, Amos Walton, Mr. Channell, and others, after which a committee of eleven were appointed as follows, as Managing Committee, with power to appoint Finance, Canvassing, and Sub-Committees: Dr. Hughes, O. P. Houghton, C. M. Scott, A. A. Newman, James Christian, J. C. McMullen, S. B. Fleming, M. R. Leonard, Amos Walton, R. C. Haywood and S. P. Channell.
The Committee then elected Dr. Hughes, President, J. C. McMullen, Vice President, Amos Walton, Secretary, and R. C. Haywood, Treasurer. The hour being late, the Committee then adjourned.
A Farmer's Opinion of the Railroad.
FLORAL P. O., March 25, 1877.
MR. SCOTT: Although not a constant reader of your paper, I see it occasionally, through the friendship of my old Kentucky friend, James Christian, of your place. I see your people are advocating a railroad down the Walnut valley, and I saw your petition and signed it last week, but at the time I told Mr. Christian that I would vote against it. But as I have been considering the matter over in my own mind, and have come to the conclusion to vote for the bonds.
Nearly all the people in my neighborhood favored an east and west road, and we are still in favor of one of that kind if we could get it; but I see no hopes of one soon. I am an old man, and have lived here on Timber creek six years. I am getting tired waiting for a railroad, and will now favor this one, the first tangible proposition that I have seen, and shall advise my neighbors to do likewise.
Cowley is a big county, and all cannot have a road to their door yard. I find that by an examination of the little maps that Mr. Christian gave me that not a man in ranges 3, 4 and 5 (the best half of the county) will be more than 10 miles from some point on that road. This is near enough in all conscience for any of us. We can start from home in the morning with a load; go to the railroad, and be back home before night to do our chores, feed our stock, etc., as no farmer ought to be away from home after night if possible.
I am a Republican, and a believer in "the greatest good to the greatest number." I further find from that little map that in the three ranges the west half of the county contains 7,401 population, while the three east ranges contain only 2,720--a little over one-third of the population of the county. So that the proposed road down the Walnut valley will accommodate two-thirds of the present and prospective population of the county.
I am now fourteen miles northwest of Winfield, but eight miles will take me to Little Dutch P. O., on the line of the road, and I have no doubt but we will have a station at that point or near it; so you see we will not be badly injured if we do not get an east and west road, provided we get one up and down the valley. What first put us in the notion of an east and west road was that nearly all the surveys that were made run up and down our creek. Two of them run across my land. But I am not so selfish as to contend for a road by my own door, to the injury of any neighbors. A road east from Winfield must run up our creek to the head of Grouse in order to cross what is called the flint hills, leaving all the balance of the Grouse creek valley out in the cold, for we cannot have two east roads in our day.
Therefore, let us be generous and accord the greatest good to the greatest number by going in heart and soul for the Walnut valley road. It takes us five days to make the trip to Wichita and back, and live like hogs while on the road at that.
Yours Respectfully, L.
Little Rock, April 5. The Kansas detectives passed through Fort Smith yesterday, en route for Kansas with the supposed Bender family, arrested in Crawford county on Tuesday. The family went by the name of Keafor. They were arrested by a Mr. Beard, of Kansas, a private detective, on a requisition from the Governor of Kansas. Beard is the man who discovered the bodies of the murdered York and others, on the Bender's place in Kansas, in 1872. He followed the family down the Atlantic and Pacific road to Pierce City, Mo., and thence to Fairville, in this State. The Family separated at Fairville, but reunited at the house of a son of old man Bender, on Cedar Creek, where they engaged in agricultural pursuits.
After satisfying himself as to the identity of the family, the detective, Beard, proceeded to Kansas. The Governor offered a reward of $2,500 and a requisition for George Keafor, alias John Bender, Mrs. Keafor, alias Mrs. Bender, Lena Keafor, alias Kate Bender, and Philip Keafor, alias John Bender, Jr. The arrest was made quietly by the Sheriff, the only resistance being by Kate, who drew a shovel on the detective and attempted to get a pistol, but was prevented from doing anything.
The whole party deny they are the Benders. All the circumstances are so strong that everyone in the locality where the arrests were made believe they are the real Bender family. Keafor made a good citizen, but rested under suspicion ever since his residence in the country. He came into the country on foot, like all the family, one at a time. But the old man soon commenced buying farms and agricultural implements, always having plenty of money to pay his way. Since they left Kansas, Kate has become the mother of two children.
Cowley county is divided on her railroad projects. Arkansas City and the north part of the county are in favor of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern road, while Winfield is opposed to it and wants only an east and west road. If this road cannot get through Cowley, it will have to go round it and into Sumner, where the people are ready and anxious to get it and will doubtless vote the requisite aid. Emporia News.
Spring is here again. Grass is growing fine but needs rain. Cattlemen are on the move. A good drive is anticipated this summer.
Most of the Cheyennes and Arrapahoes are in from their winter buffalo hunt, which has been quite a success. Tanning robes is the squaws' occupation now. A sale of the Warnemakers ponies was made at the Agency on last Saturday. Advertisement has been made for the relatives of the murdered man, but none has yet been found.
The Cheyenne and Arrapahoe children are just emerging from a siege of the measles and whooping cough.
In company with some parties, a few evenings ago we visited the camping grounds to witness one of their balls. Making our way to one of the lodges which was lighted up, and by the noise and general racket indicated that that was the place of mirth, entering we seated ourselves preparatory to witness the dance. The music eased. The music consisted of two drums, from which, it seemed to me, two Indians were getting all the racket it was possible to be made, and singing (howling) at the top of their voices. Soon one Indians says: "Go John," and pointed to the opening of the lodge, "pappoose sick," pointing to a child that was lying on a pallet. "Heap sick, make medicine." We passed out, the racket of the drum and howling commenced.
Well, the general exclamation of the visitors was measles, small-pox, or yellow fever, would be preferable to the making of that medicine.
On last Monday we saw four teams plowing, being handled by the Indian school boys in stirring old ground for corn. Today twelve or fourteen older Cheyennes and Arrapahoes passed up on their way to Wichita after wagons for the Agency. Some had their wives with them.
Imagine an old bachelor cooking a meal and a lot of ladies looking on. Stumbling around the stove, a dishrag under each arm, burning his fingers, spilling the coffee, dropping the frying pan of meat, a cat on each corner of the table, an old dog and pup fighting over a bone, chickens scratchin in the corner, mule looking in at the door, and after you have invited them to be seated at the table--Oh! must it be told--have forgotten to bake bread. ROBINSON CRUSOE.
WASHINGTON, March 30, 1877.
SEALED PROPOSALS, indorsed Proposals for "Beef," Flour, Clothing, Transportation (as the case may be), and directed to the COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, No. 40 Leonard St., New York, will be received until 12 m. of TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1877, for furnishing the following Supplies, Goods, and Transportation required for the Indian Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878:
Beef on the hoof, 34,838,000 pounds.
Flour, 5,764,500 pounds.
Bacon, 879,400 pounds.
Hard-bread, 90,000 pounds.
Corn, 2,464,500 pounds.
Lard, 14,000 pounds.
Mess-pork, 790 barrels.
Coffee, 453,900 pounds.
Sugar, 896,600 pounds.
Tobacco, 59,350 pounds.
Soda, 16,750 pounds.
Baking Powder, 28,340 pounds.
Rice, 83,000 pounds.
Tea, 6,580 pounds.
Beans, 184,500 pounds.
Soap, 118,420 pounds.
Hominy, 153,000 pounds.
Blankets, Clothing, Woolen and Cotton Goods, Hardware, Notions, and Medical Supplies.
Transportation for such of the above supplies as may not be contracted to be delivered at the several Indian Agencies.
Schedules, showing in details the quantities and kinds of goods and supplies required for each Agency, transportation routes, time and place of delivery, conditions to be observed by bidders, and terms of contract and payment, together with blank proposals and forms of contract and bond, will be furnished upon application to this Office (in Washington or at No. 40 Leonard St., New York); to E. M. Kingsley, 30 Clinton Place, New York; to Wm. Nicholson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Lawrence, Kansas; to the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A., at St. Louis, Chicago, Sioux City, St. Paul, Leavenworth, Omaha, and Cheyenne; or to the several Indian Agents.
J. Q. SMITH, Commissioner.
C. R. MITCHELL is at Topeka.
BEAN the jeweler has vacated his stand.
GARDNER & CO.'s new drug store will be opened next week.
CATTLE now grace on the prairies. Grass is green and abundant.
O. P. HOUGHTON had about eighty rods of fence destroyed by the prairie fire east of the Walnut, last Thursday.
W. W. WALTON has been tendered a position as clerk in the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
WILL MOWRY has severed his connection with E. D. Eddy, after five years steady application, on account of his health.
CORN AND OATS. Bids will be received at Fort Leavenworth, until May 8th, for corn and oats, to be delivered at Fort Gibson, Reno, and Sill, and elsewhere.
THOS. CALLAHAN circulated a petition last week asking the Township Trustee to call out a force of men to destroy the festive hoppergrass, under the law of last winter.
M. E. WELCH, the contractor and superintendent of the stone work upon the M. E. Church building in this place, is a well skilled mechanic and is executing tip-top work in hand. When completed, it will be a credit to him as well as to the city.
The officers of the east and west railroad from Cherokee are Matthewson and L. S. Hamilton of Parsons, J. McCune, of Crawford county, Col. Wilson, of Fort Scott, G. W. Brown, I. W. Lucas,
J. N. Dennis, of Cherokee, backed by Mr. Kimball, of New York.
MR. JAMES WILSON, of Leavenworth, wrote E. D. Eddy that he would ship his stock of dry goods to this place on Monday, and that he and his family would reach here about Saturday. The church of which he is a member in Leavenworth gave a party in honor of his departure last week.
CHEAP LANDS. In another column will be seen a long list of lands advertised by the Arkansas City Bank, that are offered at very reasonable rates, for cash or on time. Any man with a few hundred dollars could make a purchase from the list that would pay him fifty percent on the money invested when the railroad comes.
West 1/2 of Section 36, Township 34, south of Range 3 East; 230 acres, joining Arkansas City; all bottom land; plenty of water and timber. One hundred acres in cultivation. This is a very desirable tract of land; price $3,000. As soon as a railroad reaches here, this place will be worth double this sum.
South 1/2 of southeast 1/4 of sec. 5, tp. 34, south of range 3 east. This tract is in the finest portion of the Arkansas River Valley; known as the Sweet land; price $600.
N W 1/4 sec 31, tp 33, S R 3 E; very fine bottom land; plenty of timber and water; price $4 per acre; known as the McLane tract.
SE 1/4 sec 22, tp 34, S R 4 E; seventy acres in cultivation; good house, plenty of water; price $1,300; 3-1/2 miles east of Arkansas City; known as the Kerr place.
SW 1/4 sec 22, tp 34, S R 4 E; 135 acres broken; fair house and spring of good water; three miles east of Arkansas City; price $1,400; known as the Huff place.
SE 1/4 sec 23, tp 34, S R 4 E; very fine stock farm, five miles east of Arkansas City; price $1,000; known as the Cave Spring farm.
Lot 2, block 89; lot 25, block 132; lots 5 and 6, block 17; lots 9 and 10, block 150; and five acres of timber land on Arkansas River, near Max Fawcett's farm.
SE 1/4 sec 7, tp 35, S R 4 E; 8 acres in cultivation, three miles south of Arkansas City; plenty of water and some timber. Price $500; known as the Cary farm.
Kansas State Militia.
From the Military Signal published at Columbus, Ohio, we clip the following, which at this date is rather amusing:
Governor Anthony, Commander in Chief, Topeka.
H. T. Beman, Adjt. Gen., Topeka.
Maj. Gen. Sam'l Walker, Commanding Division, Lawrence.
Brig. Gen. F. H. Dernning, Commanding 1st Brigade, Wathena.
Brig. Gen. T. T. Taylor, Commanding 2nd Brigade, Hutchinson.
Brig. Gen. Percy Daniels, Commanding 3rd Brigade, Girard.
Brig. Gen. H. C. Snyder, Commainding 4th Brigade, Glasco.
Col. G. H. Norton, Arkansas City.
Capt. A. D. Keith, Arkansas City.
Capt. J. R. Musgrove, South Haven.
Capt. R. Hoffmaster, Arkansas City.
Capt. E. R. Evans, Winfield.
Lieut. Geo. Wagstaff, Guelph.
Capt. E. B. Kager, Winfield.
Capt. T. J. Riley, Wellington.
Capt. W. S. Coburn, Arkansas City.
Capt. R. W. McNown, Maple City.
Capt. E. M. Hewins, Cedarvale.
Capt. C. W. Rambo, Elk Falls.
Capt. J. W. Vannoy, Elgin.
Lieut. Jno. Moseley, Medicine Lodge.
Lieut. H. E. Vantrees, Sun City.
Capt. L. C. Smith, Stockton.
Capt. Chas. Schaefer, Ledgwick [? Sedgwick ?].
Capt. Chas. Collins, Hutchinson.
Lieut. Jas. M. Worster, Langdon.
Capt. S. M. Tucker, Wichita.
The city election Monday resulted in the choice of the following officers for the ensuing year: For Mayor, R. L. Walker; for Councilmen, A. G. Wilson, S. C. Smith, A. E. Baird, C. M. Wood, and H. Jochems; for Police Judge, John W. Curns.
I have this day opened an excellent assortment of Spring and Summer Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods and Notions, Which I will sell at the very lowest possible rates FOR CASH! You are respectfully invited to call and examine the goods. As I have come to stay, I shall use every honest effort to make WILSON'S CENTRAL STORE Known all over this beautiful new country for Fair Dealing, Low Prices and First-Class Goods.
Mr. S. S. Sisson sold one of his carriage horses to an Indian chief at Cheyenne Agency last week. The Indian was a good judge of horse flesh.
Winfield, desirous of being a railroad terminus, snubs Arkansas City, which is affected by the same laudable ambition. Either is willing, however, to dispense with a railroad, rather than let the other have one. Meanwhile, the farmers, who are most interested, are compelled to haul their wheat fifty miles to market. 'Twas ever thus since the earliest settlement of Cowley.
Railroad Matters in Cowley.
We understand that the Commissioners of Cowley county, last Monday, submitted a proposition to the people of that county to vote aid to the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth R. R., Western branch. According to the terms of the proposition, the road is to be terminated at Winfield. At the same time the petition praying the Commissioners to submit a proposition to aid in the construction of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway (north and south) was rejected.
This action, as we understand it, precipitates a square fight between Winfield and Arkansas City, and will unite almost solidly, the western and southern portions of the county in fierce and concentrated opposition to the proposition submitted. The proposition being gotten up and submitted in the interests of Winfield, utterly ignores the interests of the people of the largest, and by far the better half, of the entire county; and it remains to be seen whether they will submit to the imposition of being taxed enormously and for years to come merely for the benefit of the politicians and property owners of Winfield.
In the meantime, petitions are in circulation, praying for the submission of a proposition to vote township aid for the north and south road, on a line west of the Walnut, to terminate at Arkansas City.
The people are warming up to the work, and between fighting the festive grasshopper, circulating petitions, and canvassing for votes, are likely to be actively employed for the next six weeks to come. Wellington Press.
FINE rain Sunday evening.
RAILROAD is all the talk now.
PEACH trees are full of fruit buds.
Our Uncle Jim is Mayor of Akron.
A lot of strolling Kaw Indians are in town.
WM. SPEERS repaired the boiler of his engine this week.
Mr. A. Wilson, of Leavenworth, is here and ready for business.
GEORGE NEWMAN wrote the locals for the Emporia News last week.
WINFIELD continues to play dog-in-the-manger on railroad matters.
W. B. SKINNER intends to move to his farm in Bolton township this week.
SHERIFF DICK WALKER is Mayor of Winfield, and John Allen, City Attorney.
MR. CARDER left us some specimens of green wheat twenty-five inches high.
The call for the election on the Cherokee east and west road is to be May 22nd.
SOME PARTIES FROM KENTUCKY are here for the purpose of engaging in the saloon busines.
THOS. BAKER has removed his barber shop to the basement of the City Hotel building.
DEXTER goes back on the Parsons project. Some of her people have been over to Independence.
A continuous brick sidewalk and awning is to be built from Mr. Wilson's store room to Benedict's corner.
A large prairie fire extended over the cemetery and a great portion of the country west of it Monday evening.
JAMES MITCHELL has prepared for a large sale of harness, collars, and horse fixtures, by laying in a supply early in the season.
A meeting was held at Mercer's school house Monday evening, at which it was decided every man should take care of his own grasshoppers.
The Memphis road leaves Tisdale out in the cold. We don't see the object of it exactly, unless Winfield still entertains fears of losing the county seat.
Two prominent and extensive farmers of Creswell and Bolton townships, M. R. Leonard and Frank Lorry, are enthusiastic for the Kansas City railroad.
The parties that passed through this place with a wagon, carpet sack, and camping outfit, were Col. E. H. Topping and Hon. Ed. Smith, of Miami county, and Hon. T. P. Connard, of Lincoln, Nebraska, commissioners appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to appraise fifty miles square of the Indian Territory, in pursuance of the treaty of 1866 made with the Cherokee Indians. They had a cook, teamster, and secretary. The work will take about four months, for which each commissioner gets eight dollars per day and expenses.
On Saturday and Sunday the Central Hotel was well patronized by "location seekers," attracted to this point no doubt by the various railroad projects that are engaging the attention of our citizens. Knowing that our conspicuously located situation cannot long remain unoccupied and unobserved by businessmen and railroad projects.
The increase of intemperance is more apparent every day. The record of last week shows five men all "how-come-you-so?" at one time, and one perfectly helpless lying on the sidewalk at full length, entirely insensible--and still we have no saloon.
MR. LEANDER FINLEY, an old and esteemed citizen, having resided in this county over twenty years, moved westward, Wednesday, and will settle at Arkansas City, Kansas. He took with him a lot of fine stock, which will be a valuable importation to that section. Monmouth (Ill.) Atlas.
COL. YOUNG, after carefully looking up a line for his road on the west side of the Walnut, expressed himself as highly pleased with the route, and stated that the road could be built much cheaper on that line than on the east side, crossing at Winfield.
A meeting of the Union Stock Protective Association will be held at Bland's school house next Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, April 21st. All members are requested to be present. By order of R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.
A dispatch from Fort Smith says the Keafor family, arrested on the charge of being the Kansas Benders, after an examination before United States Judge Parker, were released. The parties from Kansas failed to identify them.
Two gentlemen from Elk City and Longton report that it will be impossible to carry any bonds for the Parsons narrow gauge road from east to west, for the reason that there are none but standard gauge roads to connect with.
The County Commissioners called the election for the Parsons road May 22nd, instead of the 15th, as we were informed last week. The election proclamation was ordered published in but one paper in the county.
M. E. CHURCH NEWS. By a decision of Bishop Simpson, the present Presiding Elder of this district will occupy Emporia station, and Rev. A. H. Walter takes his place as Elder of this district.
ICE CREAM social at Pearson's Hall tonight by the M. E. Society. Admission fifteen cents. The proceeds ggo toward paying for the building of the new church and should be well patronized.
MR. P. F. ENDICOTT, road overseer, has declared war with the grasshoppers, and called out the hands and gone to driving and burning them, and we hope all overseers will do likewise.
BORN to Mr. and Mrs. Orin Wilkinson, Friday evening, April 13th, a daughter. By special request we withhold the name of attending physician and weight of the new comer.
Six families and thirty persons live in one house at Thomasville, all from Indiana. They are representative farmers who will add to the prosperity of the country.
PLANT PEANUTS. One pound of seed will produce eight bushels of nuts, worth $2.00 per bushel. Raw peanuts are worth fifteen cents per pound.
The County Commissioners met last Monday to act on the railroad petitions of Rock, Nennescah, Beaver, Cresswell, and Bolton townships.
FIVE PETITIONS for saloon licenses are in circulation, and one man offers to give $500 for the exclusive privilege to retail liquors.
ONE MAN near Winfield killed all the hoppers on his corn ground by harrowing them with a brush harrow heavily loaded.
SOME PARTIES are smoking seed corn before planting to prevent the gophers from destroying it, and others soaking it in coal oil.
50 pieces jeans and cassmiers that must be sold cheap. 36 pieces cottanades and ducks, brown and bleached muslins, etc., at Wilson's Central Store.
SALE. A. O. Porter will sell at his residence in Arkansas City, on Saturday, April 21, 1877, his household goods, consisting of furniture, carpets, charter oak stove nearly new, two heating stoves, etc.
A GENTLEMAN in Dayton, Ohio, proposes to bring a distillery from that point. Any parties having capital and a desirable location for the same, should address Martin Eichelberger, Dayton, Ohio.
Col. Vliet, R. R. engineer favored us with a call last week. He is looking over the proposed railroad route. Col. Vliet is confirmed in his opinion, from an intimate knowledge of railroad affairs, that we, by proper work, may secure a road during the present year.
The local directors of the railroad company met and perfected their organization on Tuesday last. The eastern point of beginning was changed from Oswego to Independence, and the number of directors raised to eleven. The next meeting of the directors will be held in Sedan on Saturday, April 28th, when a full attendance is desired.
Mayor S. P. Channell, and J. H. Sherburne, of Arkansas City, were in town on Tuesday to attend the meeting of the railroad directors. They report Arkansas City and the Southern part of Cowley county as being in full sympathy with us, and ready to cooperate for an east and west road.
WE, the undersigned, being more than two-fifths of the resident tax payers of the municipal township of
in the county of Cowley, etc.
[Beginning April 25, 1877.]
To the Citizens of Cowley County.
Citizens of Cowley county, let us reason together. Do you really and sincerely want a railroad into or through our beautiful county? If you do, act like sensible men. Come out in your might and crush the hired minions that are trying to deceive you by false propositions and bogus companies, not worth a dollar. Men who may mean well enough, but who could not raise a dollar for any such purpose to save their necks from the halter.
I do not wish to impune the motives of any man, but when I see men act as some are acting in this county, I am constrained to believe that they are dishonest, for no honest man will sail under false colors. No honest man will be untruthful; these men are not deceived as to the ability of the men comprising the Parsons Narrow Gauge Company, commonly termed the East and West route. Several of them are good fair men, but they do not pretend to be capitalists or have a dollar to put into railroads, and should they ever get to Parsons, there is no evidence that they will build a narrow gauge any father. Then where are you?
Where is Parsons, pray? A station on the M. K. & T. R. R., at the junction of the L. L. & G., thirty-five miles southwest of Fort Scott, in Labette county, one hundred and forty miles from Kansas City, the market town of Kansas and the New West.
But to resume, Cowley county is comprised of twenty-two municipal townships, and a population of over ten thousand five hundred souls, if everyone has a soul, which seems doubtful by their act. Seven thousand five hundred of the population is in the Walnut Valley. A road up and down the valley would accommodate two thirds of our present and prospective resident tax payers and build up two prosperous towns where the comforts and conveniences of civilization would center for the benefit of the great farming and producing class of the country as well as the improvement of our species.
All these benefits must be thwarted to gratify a hell engendered spirit of revenge of a few sore head politicians and disappointed office seekers whose principles are rule or ruin. Citizens of Winfield and Cowley county, the day is coming, and is not far distant, when you will curse in your bitter wrath the memory of the men that are now plotting your destruction under the false and delusive pretense of being your friends.
Take down the map of your county, examine it closely, see where its best lands lay, see for yourselves if you are not blinded by local prejudices or actuated by the most vindictive hate to a sister village of your own county, that can in no shape or manner be a rival to your commercial and financial prosperity where the bulk of our population lays. Don't let passion subjugate your judgment, you have the County Seat, the public offices, and a favorable location for a thriving business town.
Without descending to particulars and statistical information on the comparative cost of broad and narrow gauge railroads, we will state the cost per mile for what is termed standard and three feet gauge over the same character of country; the former costing $9,944, the latter $5,951, or in about the proportion of five to nine, a little over half. The cost of equipments of the two roads would be a little more in the proportion of three and a half to four and a half. The cost of standard gauge being $9,944 per mile, and thirty miles through our county, amounts to $298,320, while a three feet gauge would only cost $178,530, leaving a balance of $119,790, near $120,000 for the road alone without equipments or rolling stock, this $120,000 would be dead capital that we would have to pay interest on in the shape of passage and freight, money that the farmers and traders have to pay the railroad, for all freight and passage money is intended as interest on the capital invested. The more that is invested in the road, the more is to be paid by the producer and trader. They buyer and seller in this, as in all business transactions, will invariably look for the consumer to pay the tariff, and the mass of mankind are consumers. Do not then tarnish your good name by such a suicidal course, such a dog in the manger policy.
Abandon your trumped up East & West company, you know that it is a myth, an iguis pat-n-us, a jack-nith o lantern.
Unite with the friends of Cowley county in putting through a proposition that will accommodate the great bulk of our citizens. As I said before, two-thirds of our voters and taxpayers reside in the Walnut Valley. This section of our county, as you all know, is the great wheat and grain producing region. East of the Walnut is more broken and better adapted to stock raising, a species of farming that does not so early need a railroad, but which it will have in due season.
No Parsons Narrow Gauge for Tisdale.
TISDALE, April 16, 1877.
Editor Traveler:
A meeting was held in Tisdale on Saturday, the 14th inst., to take an expression of the people with reference to voting bonds on the Parsons east and west railroad.
With the exception of two individuals, whom we were informed at the time, were promised a station at their doors, the meeting was unanimous against the bonds.
Many speeches were made, and many who were never known to make a public speech in their lives, gave vent to their feelings on this occasion, and held the floor for some time.
On the same evening a meeting was held in the Jarvis school house in the north part of Sheridan township. The floor was held the greater part of the evening by a man named Thomas. This man Thomas lives near Mount Contention, and whether he spoiled the Mount or the Mount spoiled him, we were unable to tell; but one thing we do know: he was very contentious. From the amount of information we could obtain, even as far north as that locality, the greater part were against the humbug.
It is the full opinion of the community, as far as I have heard, that the company is not a responsible one, that their man never was worth anything in his life, and is reported to be worth nothing now, and is a mere railroad adventurer.
The matter is hurried upon us without giving us any opportunity of judging for or against it, and this is done for a
Never were truer remarks penned by man, than those of Rev. Platter, of Winfield, in writing from Philadelphia last summer to the Winfield Courier. He stated that eastern capitalists and railroad companies looked upon the people of Kansas as a people who wished to make their living by their wits, and not by solid industry. So it is at the present time. Some sharpers wish to make a pile by their wits, and not by any honest principle.
As we have no confidence in the company; as we have no certainty that the road would be built even if the bonds were voted, but perhaps bring us into a disagreeable litigation without any return; and as the whole matter seems to be rotten, let us by all means vote it down, and when the time comes to vote bonds for a road, let them at least have a better appearance of value than the present proposition.
The Emporia News says--well, we will let it tell its own story.
Thomas Beers, of this city, formerly jailer of the county, was deputy sheriff of Labette county at the time of the terrible Bender murders. He knew the Benders well. He stayed at a hotel where the notorious Kate worked for some time. He was the man who discovered the body of Dr. York. He has always believed he could find them, and was at one time close upon their track. Owing to circumstances he could not control, and because other detectives were favored above him, he gave up the chase until the administration changed.
As soon as Governor Anthony took the reins, Beers renewed his efforts, and urged an appropriation for the purpose of capturing the worst set of murderers who have stained the annals of crime. He finally received such encouragement from Governor Anthony as to go in search of the criminals himself. He claimed all the time that he knew where they were, because he had formerly lived in the same section of Arkansas where the criminals are now residing.
It would seem that Mr. Beers made a mistake, and did not know the Benders as well as he thought he did.
The Struggle.
Had an impartial observer happened to be at the county seat of Cowley county, on Monday and Tuesday last, he would have thought that the right of the people of Bolton, Creswell, Beaver, and Rock townships to peacefully petition the Commissioners on a matter entirely concerning themselves, was denied by prominent citizens of Winfield, who were in full force, to say that no railroad proposition should be entertained, unless the citizens of Winfield were consulted, and allowed to fix the route.
Not only that, but the citizens of Winfield insisted and did fix the day upon which the petitioners should vote, although every petitioner had asked for a different day, giving as their reason that they did not want to lose two days in the busy season.
Yet Manning, Millington & Co. insisted upon fixing the time, and carried the day. But after the two days struggle, the elections were ordered. The people of four of the largest townships in the county are now permitted to say whether they want a railroad or not.
Winfield will graciously permit them to vote if she cannot help it. She will allow them to market their grain at their very doors if she cannot force them to come to her. She will allow them to have stations, depots, and towns in their midst, if she cannot defeat the railroad, which is to build to them. It now remains to be seen whether a selfish policy, which would grasp everything in Cowley county, can succeed. If so, Winfield will be ahead.
Railroad Items.
A narrow gauge road six miles in the township will give on its road bed $42,000 valuation with a proportion of the selling stock of the road. The station and a few stores will add $2,000 more taxable valuation, and it will also bring every man in the township within three miles of a shipping point. A township can very easily stand a larger tax when you raise the taxable valuation $100,000.
There was a man in Winfield who thought a majority of the votes in Rock was not equal to two fifths of the resident tax payers.
Winfield, after driving away a live prospect from the practical railroad men, and leaving Rock, Tisdale, Dexter, and other townships out in the cold, is now crying out, "Thou canst not say I did it." But the deed is done; the townships east and west propose to build their own roads and enjoy them at home.
Howard City and Elk City having united in the support of the Emporia narrow gauge road wraps the binding sheet around the Parsons, Winfield, Ellsworth, and Puget Sound road.
In justice to the feelings of Winfield, it should be "laid away tenderly, buried with care; fashioned so slenderly, young and so fair."
The Kansas City Journal says that its article about the lynching of the Benders was based upon the confession of one of the lynching party, as alleged. It adds:
The fact that Gov. Osborn denies any knowledge of the affair does not disprove the lynching. Detective Baird saw the Benders in New Mexico just as he saw them in Arkansas, but he didn't get them, and never will. They have crossed to the other shore, and are citizens of a foreign realm and a hotter climate--a place where sharp detectives sometimes venture, but where extradition treaties are of no account.
It has Baird in a tight place, that is certain. The story which we published was similar to the one in the Journal, but came to us from a different source.
The fact that the two stories came from entire different sources, both pretending to reveal the facts of the death of the Benders by lynching, is significant, to say the least. If true, it is very strange the authorities knew nothing of it. It is absolutely certain that Gov. Osborn did not.
Don't Be Fooled.
Every day we learn that St. Louis men in Southern Kansas are at work to prevent the people from aiding in the construction of railroads leading to Kansas City, and urging them to throw away their money on the St. Louis narrow gauge. Away out in Sumner and Cowley counties, they are urging them to vote for an "east and west road," on the assurance that St. Louis is going to build to them.
Now, let us have a few sensible words with those people--just a little common sense. It is five hundred miles from St. Louis to those counties--and not a foot of the proposed road has been built, not a dollar subscribed or voted for it, and not even a company organized. And if everything was ready to commence, it would be five years before it could be built, as the three last years have proved Kansas City would still be the better market.
Why then begin way out in the buffalo country by a few township subscriptions to build a road that St. Louis has not and cannot even commence? It merely puts a debt on the people without a benefit.
Now, turn this way. One hundred and fifty miles of road will connect the most remote corner of those counties with Kansas City. And when here, there are two roads and a navigable river leading to St. Louis; three roads to Chicago, and one road to Toledo, and one to St. Paul.
Here are four first-class markets available, instead of one, and at a saving of two-thirds of the distance, nine-tenths the cost, and four-fifths the time.
To us the matter is so plain that we only wonder anybody can doubt for a moment, or be deceived by any smooth told tale. The matter is as plain as a prairie. But, after all, is it not a very little business for St. Louis to be engaged in? Journal of Commerce.
[Correspondence K. C. Journal of Commerce.]
EMPORIA, KAN., April 14, 1877.
An encouraging sign for the return of an era of prosperity, is the revival of railroad building throughout the country. For four years this industry has been practically paralyzed. The panic found Kansas in a fever of excitement over lines of road projecting in every direction, for which they were voting bonds most lavisly, although in many cases there could be given only the most vague and suspicious reasons for their construction.
The banks failed, the crash came, and the chimerical schemes vanished. Then the mania relapsed into the greatest revulsion against anything that ran on a track. Candidates for United States Senator even distained to ride on the cars, and meandered to Topeka in farm wagons. This was the memorable "hay seed" era, and no man was considered available for office unless he could establish beyond controversy, his opposition to railroads from infancy. It may be remakred this was no difficult task for the average Kansas politician.
So from one extreme, the people went to the other, and instead of being all in favor of railroads, they were nearly all opposed to them.
The panic gave men time to cogitate, if not the opportunity to look about them and get their bearings. Now after four years of observation and study, during which time the State is well nigh restored to financial health, they are prepared to act more intelligently and support a sounder policy.
Narrow Gauge Prospects.
We have seen several prominent gentlemen from along the line of the K. C., E. & S. railroad this week, and all report much interest felt in its success by the people.
The A. T. & S. F. company is taking an active part against the narrow gauge. Of all things they do not want a competing line through Southwestern Kansas, and especially do they dislike the idea of competing with a narrow gauge. They have their agents and bummers at work circulating all sorts of stories in regard to the narrow gauge proposition.
Among other things, they took the pains to send to Chicago to pry into the private affairs of the gentlemen who propose to invest in the narrow gauge, and are now circulating stories to the effect that the company has no money. That is an old dodge, and was played on the Santa Fe company when they were talking of building that line. Such stories are not worth a moment's attention.
We have seen the most emphatic and satisfactory statements from the leading bankers of Chicago that the narrow gauge company is entirely able to undertake the enterprise. We urge the people not to be turned aside by stories told by parties interested in other projects. Emporia News.
Capt. Hunt ordered out the grasshopper brigade this week. They went out with cornet band and flying banners.
Messrs. Channell, Walton, Houghton, and others, of Arkansas City, represented that city before the Board of County Commissioners, in the North & South Railroad matter.
We call attention to Mr. Newton's harness advertisement, which appears in this week's issue of our paper. Mr. Newton is himself a first-class harness maker, and employing none but good hands, using none but good stock, he is turning out the best of work, which he offers at reasonable rates. Give him a call.
The following extract, from a postal card to the editor, from R. W. McNown, of Maple City, may be of interest: "There are no grasshoppers on this prairie. The people in this part of the county say that if they do not get a railroad to run through this county, they will go to Cedar Vale to do their trading. The new State road has been laid out directly by my place, and gives good satisfaction, so far."
The State road surveyors returned last Saturday.
The mill on Grouse creek has been abandoned.
We are sorry to learn of the death of Capt. J. B. Nipp's wife.
Mr. Chamberlain traded for Mr. Burkey's brick house this week.
Dr. Kellogg started for Iowa, last Monday, to make a short visit.
Thomas Henderson starts for the lead mines of Joplin, Mo., this week.
LUMBER. MR. SILAS PARKER will open a lumber yard at this place next week.
JACK McCLOSKY sold his interest in the Sha-was-cos-pa mill to B. B. Spencer.
DIED. On Friday evening, of consumption, Mrs. Olds, aged about forty years.
THE WALNUT has been raging for several days, and the necessity of the bridge realized.
During the absence of His Honor, H. D. Kellogg, James Benedict will act as City Father.
Two calves belonging to Mr. Simms were carried down the Walnut last week by the high water.
RUDOLPH HOFFMASTER intends going to the mountains soon, and proposes to sell everything he has.
The freighters who went into the Territory loaded with corn, got to racing, and had a general smash up.
Dr. Shepard returned from St. Louis Monday evening. While there he purchased the drugs for L. H. Gardner's store.
Mr. Lewis tried the ford at Murdock's after Mr. Rhodes went downstream, and returned home to tell his friends he got wet.
If Standley hadn't made the shore when he was plunged from his horse into the mighty Walnut, he would have been cold meat by this time.
Mr. Smith, one of the Commissioners to appraise the Indian lands, made us a pleasant call Monday. His camp at present will be on Bodoc creek, sixteen miles south of this place.
CAPT. O. C. SMITH, who left this place about three years ago to accept a position on a Lake Erie boat, returned last week. The Captain is an old-time resident of Cowley County.
Agent Burgess, at Pawnee Agency, expects his successor to arrive every day. Mr. Burgess' health did not permit him to stay with the Indians, and they all express regret that he is compelled to leave them.
NARROW ESCAPE. While H. P. Standley was attempting to cross the Walnut at Harmon's ford, last Sunday, his horse went down and he was compelled to leave him and swim ashore in order to save himself. After struggling a few minutes, the horse came to the surface, turned about and made its way to the bank. Mr. Standley did not see the animal until he came back in a boat, and had thought it was drowned. Being a good swimmer is all that saved him from a watery grave.
MR. RHODES, with Mr. Ela's team, was washed down the Walnut last Friday evening, as he was crossing at Murdock's ford. The team and wagon landed on an island a short distance below the ford. Mr. Rhodes complains that there was no water gauge to indicate the depth of the water. Road overseers should see that every stream of any importance has sign posts showing the depth of the water. The law imposes a heavy fine for the neglect of it.
DIED. Of consumption, March 30th, after two years of almost continuous confinement, Mrs. Martilda A. Mouser, of Beaver township. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss, besides a large circle of relatives and friends. She was a member of the church, and for many years lived a consistent Christian life. Her brother, E. G. Brown, died four days later, of heart disease, at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.
The Commissioners appointed to appraise the fifty mile strip of the Cherokee land in the Indian Territory, have their camp at present on Shilocco. They expect a company of soldiers to join them before they start west. The object of the appraisement of the lands is to locate and sell it to friendly Indians, according to the treaty of 1866. Many Pawnees are already occupying a portion of the reserve.
A company of soldiers arrived here this week to accompany the Commissioners in the Territory. Their work begins on the west side of the Arkansas river at this place, thence west to Colorado on the north line, and to the Pan Handle of Texas on the south line, including a strip nearly 300 miles long by fifty-four in breadth, and is for the purpose of locating friendly Indians on.
MARRIED. On Thursday, April 19th, by Rev. Platter, John M. Reid and Miss Lizzie Ross, both of Winfield.
On the same evening, by Rev. Rushbridge, James Vance, of Wichita, and Miss Jennie McGaahy, of Winfield.
T. H. McLAUGHLIN returned from his Eastern trip last Saturday, having found the market to suit him in New York and Boston. He made a large purchase just in the nick of time, before the late advance caused by the European war, and promises to sell lower then ever. The goods will be here by next week.
The City Council met and organized last Saturday. Wm. Sleeth was appointed Treasurer and I. H. Bonsall City Clerk. No Marshal or Street Commissioner was appointed. The officers are: Mayor. H. H. Kellogg; Police Judge, Jas. Christian; Councilmen: James Benedict, H. P. Farrar, J. I. Mitchell, H. Godehard, and
I. H. Bonsall.
READ the railroad propositions to the townships of Rock Creek, Beaver, Creswell, and Bolton, and see if they are not the best that have ever been offered to the people--especially those of Rock Creek and Beaver townships. Nenescah and Vernon are determined to have similar ones, and the line will then be complete.
SILVER. Great excitement prevails east of Lazette from the discovery of silver ore on the Flint Hills. A specimen was sent to St. Louis to be assayed, and the assayest wrote that he would come immediately to the place where it was discovered, as it was of an extraordinary quality.
DICK WALKER, MAYOR OF WINFIELD AND SHERIFF OF THIS COUNTY, was in town yesterday with his deputy, Burt Covert, in search of John Barber, who attempted to rape his half sister at Dexter last week, and was shot in the head by her brother, the ball striking about the ear and coming out alongside of the nose. Barber was lying in bed, unable to be up, as all supposed, until last Sunday when he heard that he was to be tried for the murder of four soldiers in Texas. He then got up and left. When last seen Monday noon, he was riding a poor pony, coming from Harmon's ford, with a bandage about his head. Parties are in pursuit of him.
ANOTHER RAILROAD. A meeting will be held in Neosho Falls, Kansas, on May 2, 1877, in the interest of a narrow gauge railroad from Kansas City, by way of Paola, Garnett, Neosho Falls, Yates Center, Toronto, and Eureka, through Cowley and Sumner counties, in the direction of Santa Fe, New Mexico. By direction of G. A. Colton and others.
THE M. E. CHURCH OF THIS CITY, now in course of erection, is 56 feet long by thirty in breadth; height of wall 15 feet. It is now rapidly approaching completion, and is a fine specimen of architecture, and will be large enough to accommodate any audience ordinarily assembling in Southern Kansas.
LIEUTENANT O. T. WIETING, of the 23rd U. S. Infantry, from Fort Riley, Kansas, with fifteen men, camped south of town last night. The men are picked soldiers, and as gentlemanly fellows as any we have met on the border. They are to accompany the Commissioners in the Indian Territory.
There is a particular spot near Wyard Gooch's place that the lightning strikes almost every storm. During the last month it has set the prairie grass on fire twice. Just as like as not there is a silver mine there, or some other mineral.
SOME PARTIES are reporting that the object of appraising the Indian land south of us is to open it for settlement. The statement is entirely false and will prove a detriment to the county if it is not properly understood.
FROM JUDGE McINTIRE, OUR TRUSTEE, we learn that there are 1,052 inhabitants in Creswell Township. In 1875 there were but 720, showing an increase of 332. Number of families excluslive of old bacherlors and maids: 206.
THE COWLEY COUNTY BANK has just purchased one of the latest improved "time locks," at a cost of about $400. These locks are set by a clock, and cannot be opened until the time arrives that they are set to.
PROF. HOYT is teaching the Eldorado boys to blow. No man in the southwest is more capable to teach fine music than Joe. It is a treat to hear him render the Whippoorwill solo and Arkansas Traveler.
The commissioners to locate the State road from Arkansas City to Independence met at the former place on Monday last and commenced the work. The length of the road to be established is about 80 miles, and to do the work properly will take some time. The commissioners cannot expect to please every individual or every locality, and hence they should not start in with that idea. A road over good ground, though it be a few miles longer, may be a shorter route in fact than it would be on a more direct line but worse ground. A road too, through a thickly settled community, would be preferable to one through a district sparsely settled, but the commissioners will consider all these things before making the final location. Chautauqua Journal.
Accidental Drowning at Winfield.
[From our special correspondent.]
On Saturday morning, April 21st, while attempting to cross the Walnut river at what is known as Tunnel Mill Ford, south of Winfield, Miss Belle Wren was drowned. The facts as disclosed at the coroner's inquest are as follows.
Miss Wren, in company with John Boylan (a cousin), started to see about a school south of Arkansas City. When they came to the ford, the river was swollen by recent rains above, and it is supposed there was about seven or eight feet of water in the ford. The gentleman objected to driving in, but she insisted, saying she had crossed there the day before and there was no danger. Driving in, before they had gone 15 feet from the shore, the horses began to swim, and undoubtedly would have succeeded in crossing; but under excitement, they tried to turn around and make for the shore they had left. The buggy upset in turning, and threw both parties into the river.
He caught some willows with one hand, the bit of one of the horses with the other, and tried to turn them to the shore, but the current proved to be stronger than he, and he had to release his hold, and was able to reach the shore in safety. In the meantime she caught on the harness of one of the horses and was carried downstream, crying for help, until about 75 yards above the Tunnel Mill, when she and the horses, buggy and all, disappeared and were not seen anymore. Mr. Stump, the miller hearing her cries, started to help, and just as he got outside of the mill, he saw her disappear. Mr. Stump arrived in time to prevent Mr. Boylan from springing in to help her.
The alarm was raised, and the people instantly commenced searching for the body, which was kept up until 4:30 p.m. when the body was found opposite the mill some 75 or 100 yards below where she disappeared, having lain in the water some nine or ten hours. The body was removed to town, and the coroner summoned a jury, whose verdict was that the deceased came to her death by accidental drowning. Her brother-in-law, Mr. Crane, then took charge of the body. No blame is attached to Mr. Boylan, and he deserves praise for his manly efforts in trying to save the lady. The horses were found the next morning near the same place in a drift of logs and brush. The team belonged to Mr. Wm. Robinson, a livery man of this place.
THOSE wishing the chains for the Marsh Harvesters can get the same by calling on me. And anyone wishing repairs for Harvesting Machines, must give their orders now, in order to be sure of them by harvest time. R. C. HAYWOOD.
CASH FOR GROCERIES. On and after April 30th, we will give no credit for groceries. Will take all kinds of country produce in exchange. HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN.
STRAYED. A sorrel horse, 6 years old, star and snip, collar marked. Had a leather halter on. Supposed to be in the Territory as he went toward Pawnee Agency. Anyone returning him will be liberally rewarded. D. LOGAN.
SIR ARCHIE stallion will be at this place Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
A freight wagon, bound for Fort Sill, was labeled:
"C. B. & Q. R. R., 1877, B.C."
CLARENCE HARRIS, one of the main helps in the printing office, has recovered from his sickness, and is up again.
We have learned that the commissioners appointed to appraise land in the Territory have warned the whites from taking timber therefrom under penalty of the law, which makes it a penitentiary offense.
Arkansas City licenses no saloons. The drug stores supply the demand for "firewater" for the thirsty "Arkansawians," while the sturdy farmers wend their way to the city of Winfield for their little refreshments. Telegram.
William, you know better than that. The drug stores didn't supply you when you were here last, because you hadn't a prescription.
Salt City, Sumner Co., April 16, 1877.
Robert Thompson was married to Miss Ora Belknap on Tuesday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mills, on Sunday the 7th, a daughter: weight 9-1/2 pounds.
Salt City is favored with a saloon and drug store.
Crops are looking well and farmers are busy. B.
FIRE. On last Wednesday night, at about 12 o'clock, during the rain, flames were seen in the direction of Judge McIntire's house, and a rush was made for the scene by those who chanced to be up at the time. On arriving at the fire, it was found to be the one just vacated by the widow of Jas. Barr, and owned by David T. Thompson. Mrs. Barr had moved out of the building in the morning, and no fire had been left, and no one was seen about in the evening until it was in a blaze. No cause can be assigned for the fire, except that it was the work of an incendiary. It was burned so completely that not a shingle or scrap of board could be seen afterwards.
Regret the Change.
If ever the truth was spoken, it is expressed in the following item from the Cowley County Telegram, the editor of which opposed the change of the law, as did the TRAVELER, citing the disadvantages of a change at the time.
"There are a few men in this county who strongly favored the change of the bond law from a two-thirds vote to a majority vote, who now curse the day the law was changed. They see they ran their necks square into a noose, and now that it is being slowly but surely tightened, they have awakened to a sense of their danger, and wish themselves well out of the scrape. If it should lead to the building of a railroad around Winfield, the citizens of Winfield will then heap bitter curses upon them, and the devilish tricks by which the law was changed.
Be Sure You're Right, Then Go Ahead.
Citizens and voters of Cowley county, I am a railroad man in favor of a narrow gauge up and down the most densely populated portion of our county: the Walnut Valley, the wheat growing region of our county. But I must confess I was forcibly struck with the remark of a gentleman in the northeastern part of our county a few weeks ago.
"My friend, I have taxes enough to pay now. I sell all I can raise here at home. This county is emphatically a stock raising country; we don't need a railroad. I make more money in raising cattle and hogs than I can in raising wheat to sell. Enough to bread myself, and family is all I want, and my stock can walk to market. I am perhaps the largest tax payer in my township, but I find no difficulty in getting along without a railroad. The distance to market don't bother me, and I have as much to sell as any of my neighbors. My experience is that the man who has nothing to sell is the furthest from market. My neighbor across the creek is just the man for you to call upon. He has nothing to sell, neither grain nor stock, but he is crazy for a railroad."
These remarks took me back, as they were too true.
I remember, when a boy in my native land, of seeing a tavern sign called "The Four 'Alls.'" It was the picture of four men, each rigged out in the toggery of his respective calling. One had a crown on his head, and under him the words, "The king rules all;" another had a gun on his shoulder, and under him the words, "The soldier fights for all;" the third had a big book in his hand, and under him the words, "The preacher prays for all;" while the fourth fellow was represented as wearing a long-tailed coat and bearing in his hands a bag of money, with under him the words, "The farmer pays for all." Yes, my farmer friends of Cowley county, in this land of civil and religious liberty; in this land of freedom, as well as in monarchical old England, you have the inestimable privilege of "paying for all."
If there is any railroad built through your county by the aid of railroad bonds, you will have it to pay for. Then exercise your prerogative, and say where it shall run to do the greatest good to the greatest number, and also what description of road you want. Don't let a few town lot speculators bulldoze you out of what your sense of right and justice demands. Demand that the road, if built, shall run where it will do the most good to the farmer, the produce raiser for and life sustainer of all.
On the morning of April 16, in company with a fellow townsman, we found ourselves eastward bound, to see what was to be seen and learn what was to be learned. What we learned of the Flint ridges, etc., does not concern us now. What we learned while in Elk, pertaining to railroad matters, may interest your readers as much as anything else.
One of the first things we learned was that COWLEY COUNTY was a unit on the narrow gauge east and west. Prominent gentlemen from Winfield had represented to citizens of Elk county that Cowley would "go solid" for the M. P. & W. R. R. narrow gauge. This was new to the unenlightened, and hard to reconcile with what we knew to be a fact--that a very respectable proportion of the citizens of Cowley county regarded the east and west proposition as a wild project to defeat a more substantial proposition, which would now have been before the county, had it not been for the dictatorial attitude of the city of Winfield.
The only plausible and possible explanation that we could give was that these prominent gentlemen either supposed they were Cowley county, or that they carried Cowley county in their pockets, as heretofore asserted.
Another thing we learned was that ELK COUNTY was not united on railroad matters. We did not find a single man who preferred a narrow gauge to a standard gauge east and west. They said: "The standard gauge is what we want; but if we cannot get the standard, we want the narrow gauge, rather than no road at all."
We learned also that a proposition was likely to be submitted soon to build a STANDARD GAUGE from Independence westward to Cowley County. Independence gentlemen expressed themselves as favorable to extending the line of the L. L. & G. railroad westward to save to the city of Independence and to that road the amount of trade already tributary to it, as well as to tap the trade in Cowley and Sumner counties, now tributary to the A. T. & S. F. railroad.
In short, Mr. Editor, from what we could learn, we are candidly of the opinion that the standard gauge from Independence is the only east and west road that will be built for many years to come.
Is it then the part of wisdom for Cowley county to commit itself for eighteen months or more to a project that never had any existence than in the brain of a few scheming, selfish men?
TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.
"The Arkansas City TRAVELER of April 25th contained six columns of opposition to an east and west railroad into Cowley county. That is a good paper to lay away for future reference. It may be that the TRAVELER and Arkansas City can afford to fight a railroad proposition that proposes to come to Cowley county, and it may be that they cannot."
We shall take pleasure in having that paper laid away for reference. Place it with the one of 1873, where we opposed the issue of the $200,000 bonds to the Kansas & Nebraska Company, when the editor of the Courier endeavored to have the Commissioners issue them after it was known they had defrauded Marion county and did not expect to build any portion of the road from the beginning to the terminus.
The people of Arkansas City favor any responsible east and west road, as the record of the Secretary will show at the meeting of March 27th, when the Committee of this place met the Railroad Committee of Winfield at the Central Avenue hotel at this place. Lay it away so that the people of Cowley county can see that we oppose every bogus proposition.
TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.
Railroad Talk from Tisdale.
TISDALE, April 23rd, 1877.
In view of the election called by the Commissioners of this county on the 22nd of May, for the purpose of voting bonds for an east and west railroad, these facts suggest themselves.
Is it right for the producers of this county to support a proposition so evidently one sided; or in other words, to assume a large debt with only a prospective benefit, for the purpose of forwarding the interests of the town of Winfield? You will find that the men who are prominent in urging this road are the same who by combination in fixing the lowest tariff or prices, have in time past bought your wheat, wood, and other products at rates that insured your continued poverty. They hold mortgages on three-fourths of your farms, to secure money loaned at the most usurious interest, and they now ask you to assume an additional debt, for purposes for which they chiefly will be gainers.
It is very doubtful, in principle, whether any railroad should be built except by the unassisted efforts of its own corporators. With us at this juncture, with the possible ravages of the grasshoppers, the assumption of such a burden is of questionable expediency. It cannot be that the teminus of this road at Winfield, is for the interest of the county at large.
Its extension to Arkansas City would furnish us with an additional market for our products, while it would enable us to make purchases of goods at from five to ten percent less than sold for at Winfield.
As for the additional claim, urged by those who are representatives of that place, vix.: that the wealth, intelligence, and moral character of the county are centered there, and that the counties should support these virtues--this all may be so. Of the versatility of its citizens, there is little doubt. When you find professional men engaged in trade, public educators as peddlers, and even divines ready, not only to heal the bruised spirit, but to loan money at 30 percent, it must, indeed, be a carping mind that would deny their liberality.
Finally, previous to casting his vote, let each voter ask himself, "Which can I do the easier--pay this additional tax, or haul my produce to Wichita at a time of year when I have nothing else to do?"
Do not delude yourselves with the idea that what you consume will cost less. Freight now is carried cheaper by team than any railroad can transport it. Increased taxation in the United States has always meant a cessation of immigration and a decline in the value of real estate.
TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.
South Kansas & Western Railroad.
In pursuance to adjournment of a previous meeting, the Directors of the South Kansas & Western Railroad Company met at Sedan, Saturday the 24th of April, and proceeded to organize by electing Wm. Floyd, Chairman, and H. B. Kelley, Secretary.
PRESENT: Thomas Kelo, Wm. Floyd, S. P. Moore, E. B. Hibbard, A. B. Kelly, C. M. Scott, and S. P. Channell, by proxy.
On motion of C. M. Scott, it was moved that the officers of the local company should consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Mr. E. B. Hibbard then nominated Mr. Channell for President. On motion of H. B. Kelley, S. P. Moore was nominated Vice President, and E. B. Hibbard Secretary. S. P. Channell, C. M. Scott, S. P. Moore, and H. B. Kelley were appointed as committee to draft constitution and by-laws. On motion of Mr. Hibbard, Dr. Wagner, of Dexter township, was appointed to fill the vacancy if Mr. Miles failed to qualify. After discussing matters of general interest, the meeting adjourned to meet at Sedan, May 12th, 1877, at which time it is expected a proposition will be made to the people of Chautauqua and Cowley counties for the speedy construction of a standard gauge road from Independence, Kansas, to Arkansas City. WM. FLOYD, Chairman.
H. B. KELLEY, Secretary.
TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.
CORN 40 cents per bushel.
STREETS lined with teams.
NEWCOMERS in town every day now.
PAWNEES in town with robes to trade.
New stage drive in Tommy Young's place.
Walker's bay "Spray" team travels lively.
The railroad bonds have carried in Butler county.
Greenwood county is to have the K. C. R. & S. F. R.
Cayote wolves are becoming numerous north of town.
JOHN EVANS is going to apply for a city license to sell beer.
WHEAT $1.50 per bushel in Arkansas City and $1.70 in Wichita.
MR. RANDALL is erecting a new house north of this present location.
School began in Theaker's school house Monday. Mrs. Houser is teaching.
A. THOMPSON sold his south 80 acres to Gardner Mott for a team worth $300.
BARBER CAUGHT. Before leaving this place last Tuesday week, Sheriff Walker deputized A. W. Patterson, and offered him a bonus of fifteen dollars if he would capture John Barber, who had escaped from the authorities at Dexter two days before. Mr. Patterson secured the assistance of Constable Gray, and the two started in pursuit. Before going far, they learned he had gone up the Walnut, and immediately followed. After hunting the most of the night, they abandoned the pursuit until next morning.
In the morning Patterson and George Walker found the trail of the criminal and followed it until they came to the house of Robert White, where it stopped. Alighting from the buggy both went into the house and found the man lying in bed asleep, with a Colt's improved revolver and Bowie knife hanging in their sheaths on the bed post near his head. These were taken possession of by the officers, and a gun and pistol aimed at his head while they took hold of his leg to awaken him. As soon as he opened his eyes, Patterson said to him, "You are my prisoner." He realized his situation at once, and cooly remarked, "Where are you going to take me?" He was told that he would have to go to Winfield, and he readily assented to it, as his wound needed careful treatment. He told the officers he did not want to go back to Elk county for fear his father and brother would mob him.
In conversation afterwards he told the officers if he had not been wounded, they could not have taken him. In reply to a question of killing the soldiers in Texas, he stated he had heard of it and that it was a man by the same name as his own, but not him. He is now in jail at Winfield, awaiting trial. From all accounts, his father and brother are not as worthy people as they might be, as the father of the culprit, it is said, sent his son to shoot the half brother, saying he had $6,000 to clear him with.
BRAKE DOWN AND UPSET. On last Friday morning Judge Christian and the editor of this paper started for Tisdale and Howard county in a light spring buggy. After traveling some fifteen miles, the spring of the buggy was broken by a sudden jar, and they were compelled to return for repairs. While returning on the east bank of the Walnut, the wheel slipped somewhat, throwing the weight on the broken spring, which was in front, causing the buggy to instantly capsize. Mr. Christian was thrown considerable distance, striking the ground on the back of his head and shoulders, but soon recovered himself. The editor went with the buggy and alighted very easy. The horses did not make much of an effort to run, and in a few minutes the buggy was arighted, and they came into town balancing the vehicle by both sitting on the same side. This made the second fall Scott has received on the east bank of the Walnut within the last year, and the second upset Judge Christian has experienced within the past few months.
We have just received "The Black Hills, and American Wonderland," by H. N. Maguire, who has spent twelve years in the Hills and Yellowstone region. The latest, fullest, and only truthful accounts of gold and silver prospects, agricultural and grazing resources, climate, hunting and fishing, the Indians, and settlers adventures and conflicts with them; mining and wild Western life, and the grand natural wonders of this most remarkable country--the waterfalls, boiling geysers, noble scenery, immense gorges, etc. Illustrated with 27 fine engravings and a new map. Price only ten cents; sold by all newsdealers, or sent, postpaid, for twelve cents, by Donnelly, Loyd & Co., publishers, Chicago, Illinois.
STREET PREACHING. Rev. Phillips writes us he will preach on the streets of this place Saturday, May 12th, at 1 o'clock p.m., if there are no objections by those in authority. Mr. Phillips is a member of what is known as the Free Methodists, and will give a plain sermon on facts, treating on different topics, regardless of sectarianism and orthodox doctrines.
Many who do not attend church can have an opportunity of hearing the gospel preached without leaning their backs against a seat, or being compelled to wait until church is out to go home. The idea strikes us a novel way of reaching sinners, and we should like to see the experiment tried.
J. L. STUBBS and Miss GERTRUDE FINNEY are to be married by Rev. Fleming, at Osage Agency tomorrow. We have not the pleasure of the acquaintance of the lady of Lindsey's choice, but know she is of one of the best families of Lawrence. What we could say in behalf of our friend could not add more to his credit, as he is, and always has been recognized as one of the most gentlemanly young men that ever graced the Kansas border. May peace, prosperity, and long life attend them.
HORSE RACE. Arrangements have been made to try the speed of "Sleepy Jack," owned by Hodge Murdock, and "Gray Cow," owned by Jim Moreland, on the second Saturday in June, next, for $500 a side, with $50 forfeit, on the track seven miles east of Caldwell.
MARRIED. At Winfield, on Thursday, April 26th, by Rev. Platter, Mr. JOSEPH DISSER and Miss KATIE BIRDZELL, both of this county. The lonely and dismal surroundings of a bachelor's life were too much for the genial and lively disposition of Joseph, and hence he has acted upon the wise and noble example of his forefathers, and taken unto himself a partner for life. Keeping "batch," mending breeches, and living alone no longer is
Not for Joe, Oh, no, no,
If he knows it, not for Joseph.
IN THE AIR. A marriage contagion surely pervades the atmosphere at Osage Agency. Tomorrow J. L. Stubbs is to be married. Next week Ed. Finney will do likewise, and the week following Mr. Furguson, of the same place, will unite himself. Bachelors from Kaw and the neighboring Agencies fear to remain long while on business at Pawhuska's fair capitol on account of the prevalence. The trader from Kaw made a visit there last week and nearly killed a horse getting home, so great was his fright.
A saloon firm in Cedar Vale advertises thusly:
We wish to announce to our many friends, as well as the strangers, that we keep constantly on hand the poorest brands of Cigars, and meanest Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, etc., this side of the Rocky Mountains. We shall be glad to serve you, if you have the Cash; we keep no slate.
The County Commissioners of Elk county have ordered a special election to vote county bonds to the tune of $120,000 in aid of the construction of the M. & E. narrow gauge.
It is generally believed the bonds will be defeated, owing to the want of confidence in the parties who are to build the road.
STEAMBOAT COMING. MR. GRAVEROCK, who has contracted to bring the "General Wiles" steamboat, belonging to the company at this place, from Little Rock, says he will make the start in about thirty days. He asked for more time so as to allow him to finish erecting a bridge in Neosho county that he has the contract for.
HOLTON ARGUS. We have received one of the first numbers of the Argus, published at Holton, Kansas, by J. C. Lillie, formerly of this place. Holton is the terminus of the Leavenworth narrow gauge railway, and deserves just such a paper as Mr. Lillie will make them if he has half a chance, or half patronage.
TOMMY YOUNG has been a driver on Tisdale's stage line for seven years. Within the past few months he has not enjoyed very good health, and has taken a "lay-off" of a few months to recruit.
ARKANSAS CITY's prospects for becoming the terminus of two railroads are becoming more apparent every day, and many people are seeking locations in the town in consequence of it.
The editor and Judge Christian made a visit to Chautauqua county last week, going by the way of Silverdale, Maple City, Otto, and Cedar Vale to Sedan. They were absent three days.
THE TRAVELER OFFICE ATTACHEES furnish a local each week now. Last Sunday week Standley navigated the Walnut, and a few days after the editor measured his length in the clay banks.
McBEA, OF HOWARD CITY, says emphatically that the Parsons road will be defeated without a doubt, and that the proposition is only laughing stock for the people of Elk county.
BENEDICT and GARDNER are going to build another building between their stores on Summit street, and erect a new tin shop in place of the old one.
FIRE. DR. SHEPARD'S dwelling took fire from the flue last Saturday evening, but it was discovered and extinguished before much damage was done.
Now that we have sold all our wheat and flour, it is thought flour will have to be shipped in before harvest. It will be the same with bacon.
JAMES HUEY goes to the county seat to make a numerical index of the land titles of Cowley county, by order of the Commissioners.
Mayor's Proclamation!
NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS: On and after the 1st day of May,
A. D. 1877, all dogs found running at large, within the city of Arkansas City, not having a proper check as provided by ordinance, will be liable to be killed by the City Marshal, and the owners of such dog or dogs, will be liable to arrest, and upon conviction before the Police Judge, fined in sums not less than $5.00 nor more than $10.00 for each offense.
Arkansas City, May 1st, A. D. 1877.
City Clerk. Acting Mayor.
Sedan Journal, 20th: The heaviest hail storm ever witnessed in this county occurred on Tuesday afternoon at this place. The stones averaged about the size of Minnie balls, and completely covered the ground.
TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.
MAPLE TOWNSHIP, April 23, 1877.
No bonds in ourrs is the present sentiment of the people of Maple township.
The residencts of school District No. 72, have hedged in their Centennial school house and planted the lot with shade trees.
Grasshoppers in this township are doing very little damage on the prairie, and not much on the bottom lands.
The present prospect for a full crop of wheat and oats is good.
Corn is not up yet.
The usual amount of hedge, grove, and orchard planting has been made.
Preaching at the Centennial school house each alternate Sabbath by the Rev. Jones, pastor of M. E. Church.
A resident of this vicinity recently sold his farm and had his pocket picked of the purchase money in a saloon in Wichita. No clue to the thief. Moral: never get tight.
TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.
The farmers are all busy planting corn. Mr. Bowen has thirty acres up and looking well, but the grasshoppers have begun work on it. Wheat never looked better, and if the grasshoppers but mind their business, the farmers will be all right.
Mrs. Stauffer's health has improved so much that she has returned to her home in Sumner county.
John Myrtle has returned from his surveying trip. The people are at a loss to know where he spent Sunday evening.
Polk Stevens has moved off of the State line. It is a good thing for the people, as they need what little State line he left to tie tht iron horse, when it comes down on the narrow gauge.
FRIEND SCOTT: As it may be of interest to some of your readers to know what is going on at the capitol, I send you the following items.
Everywhere, on the streets or in the stores, where two or more are congregated, you will find if you listen that their main topic is "railroad." There is not a man in this city that really believes that if the east and west proposition should be carried at the coming election that the road would be built. It is simply gotten up to kill the north and south proposition, and to fill the pockets of a few corner lot men in the city of Winfield.
I am a resident of this city, but do not think that the good, square farmers and taxpayers of this county should be bulldozed in any such manner. We need a railroad, and must have one, but let's not tie our county up in aid of a road that will never reach us.
In conversation with one of the ring leaders of this east and west humbug, last week, I asked him why could they not compromise with Arkansas City. He said that "there was no use as they would hear to nothing," simply pointing to the escrow clause as the main objection, stating that bonds placed in escrow were liable to be stolen; and another prominent gentleman and corner lot man of this city said, "Let Arkansas City go to h__l. We have no faith in the east and west proposition, but when we want a railroad, we can get it without the assistance of Arkansas City."
This, you understand, is not the feeling of all, but of a great many who are ignorant of the fact that this is a rotten affair gotten up to fill the pockets of a few, and deprive the people of the benefit of a railroad for years to come, and who allow themselves to be led about by such men as above mentioned.
Winfield has a street preacher who preaches on the streets every Saturday.
Everyone has the measles, mumps, or railroad fever.
Jo. Disser stopped with his bride at the Central Hotel Sunday night.
Letter from an Old Miner--Grasshoppers
In the Mountains--Narrow Gauge.
Friend Scott:
A though just struck me that you would like to hear direct from Colorado, and from me, Jack, once more. In the first place I must let you know all about the grasshopper crop in the Rocky Mountains at present. About four days ago they were hatched out by the millions, about the size of a grain of rice, and everything looked favorable for the hopper. But "there is many a slip, etc." Monday, the 22nd, it commenced snowing and is still snowing. Snow two feet, four inches deep at present, and good indications for another foot. Now, I would like to know how the grasshoppers are going to live until their blanket of snow ears off of them. But perhaps the grasshopper commissioners may explain that for me, as they are paid for such work, but I have my doubts about their ability to settle that question, as there are hundreds of men in these mountains who say that this snow will not injure the 'hopper at all. Well, we will see what we will see.
I see by your paper that you are having quite a lively time on the railroad question, standard gauge vs. narrow gauge. I also see in your paper some well written pieces concerning the different gauges of railroads, but I think the narrow gauge has the best of it--that is as far as my experience goes, and I think I have had quite an experience, if you call riding on a narrow gauge any experience. I always pay great attention to it for it is my favorite railroad, and I think it will just suit Cowley county. I would like you to ask your many readers if they can cite a case off a bankrupt narrow gauge railroad. Of course, there are not many in this country yet; but all that are built, pay well, so that speaks well for the narrow gauge railroad.
I see that your old enemy, Winfield, has broken out in a fresh place. It appears that they want the terminus of a railroad, and will not be satisfied with anything short of that. Now it seems strange to me that Arkansas City and its surroundings will be bulldozed so long by Manning & Co. You have got the fort, now hold it. Make no compromises, for you are in the right and the right wrongs no man, and I hope you will succeed in voting the necessary bonds to build the road.
You know that I have taken your paper ever since I left Arkansas City, something over two years ago, and in that time I have shown it to some hundreds of people. They read the paper and say, "Well, Jack, that must be a great country, but what caused you to leave it?" "Well, it is sixty miles to a railroad point." "Ah! that is it. Well, I don't want any of it in mine." Now that is the prevailing opinion with everyone that I have come in contact with, that is, if they want to farm. For myself, with a railroad, I can go on my claim and make money, or salt, but without one, it is no earthly account to me.
I see by your paper that quite a number of men are coming to Colorado from Salt City, to go into the mining business, but they will find that it is not all gold that glitters. They will find that there is quite a lot of base metal mixed with it--at least, I have found it so, and I am an old miner. I suppose they will not be contented, however, until they give it a trial. The will find, also, that it is quite different in a man working for himself or for some one else, especially in these bad times; for when a man hires another, he takes the worth of his money of him. They will find that there is quite a sprinkling of the "slave driver" in the employer in mining districts. JOHN McLAY.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May term of the District Court, of Cowley county, to be begun and held on the first Monday, 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, and have been placed on the Trial docket in the following order.
State versus Andrew H. Horneman.
" " Martin Barber.
" " Jacob G. Titus.
" " Zebulon Foster.
" " John W. Barber.
Nathan K. Jeffries vs. Martin L. Read.
Oliver Sparkman vs. Wm. Thurman.
Francis Black vs. Edward Patton et al.
Henry F. Ford vs. Nathan Robertson.
Brettun Crapster vs. Stephen D. Williams.
John Rief vs. Gertrude Rief.
Barclay Hockett vs. R. R. Turner.
M. L. Read vs. Enoch G. Willett.
Albert Covert et al vs. Rufus B. Waite.
David Rodocker vs. James Jordon.
William A. Sharp vs. R. L. Walker.
Geo. W. Ballou vs. Rufus B. Waite.
R. B. Waite vs. Geo. W. Ballou.
Robert Hudson vs. Francis R. Hudson.
James C. Hix vs. Joseph Stewart et al.
Elisha S. Torrance vs. Samuel Greer et al.
Wm. R. Warner vs. M. G. Troup Adr.
Arkansas City vs. Jas. L. Huey, Treas.
A. G. Wilson vs. Henry F. Ford.
R. L. McDonald & Co. vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
Challis Bros. & Co. vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
Charles P. Kellogg & Co. vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
Ben Wood & Co. vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
L. Kiper & Sons vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
A. Cuddington vs. A. D. Lee.
Buck McCunes & Patterson vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
James J. Hood vs. Zumri W. Hoge et al.
Lewis Hart vs. Edward L. Walker et al.
Susan J. Ford vs. E. R. Evans.
Martha E. quimby vs. J. Frederick.
Andrew Dawson vs. John W. Funk.
Andrew Dawson vs. Wm. Brown.
A. G. Wilson vs. Wm. B. Doty et al.
Emily J. Houston vs. Philena Darrah et al.
Emily Houston vs. Thomas M. Carder et al.
Frank Akers vs. A. H. Green.
Neosho County Bank vs. A. Stoddard.
Albert Minnich vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
M. H. Kenworthy vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
B. W. Sitter vs. Heirs of Tho. F. Lent deceased.
Robert Hudson vs. Francis R. Hudson.
W. S. Paul vs. Benj. H. Bodwell et al.
Sol Nawman vs. C. C. Pierce.
Stephen Brown vs. E. B. Kager.
Thomas Sampson vs. George Walker.
Cynthia Payne vs. Travis Payne.
James Z. McKee vs. Wm. H. Farney.
M. L. Read vs. S. A. Smith et al.
M. L. Read vs. Armstrong Menor et al.
M. L. Read vs. Armstrong Menor et al.
Arthur Graham vs. James H. Tullis et al.
E. A. Graham vs. Robert Corkins.
Samuel Pitt vs. Elizabeth Pitt.
Nancy McMannes vs. J. S. Harmon et al.
M. L. Read vs. Oscar O. Menor.
Royal H. Tucker vs. Mary L. Tucker.
Drury Warren vs. Tice Saulsberry.
R. B. Waite vs. A. A. Jackson et al.
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co. vs. S. E. Smith et al.
M. J. Thompson vs. S. W. Greer et al.
W. H. Berryman vs. Wm. Bartlow et al.
John Dunstan vs. L. M. Brown et al.
G. J. Gross vs. Leanah Funk.
New Eng. Loan Co. vs. E. G. Willett et al.
Sarah E. Parker vs. Seymour Tarrant.
Desier A. Clapp vs. T. M. Carder et al.
E. V. Blue vs. R. C. Seehorn et al.
John W. Brown vs. L. A. Packard et al.
Frederick McReynolds vs. S. W. Greer.
Geo. O. Sweet vs. Sumner Oaks.
Sarah A. Bartlow vs. Wm. Bartlow.
E. V. Blue vs. John W. Taylor.
A. H. Green vs. Emily J. Houston.
C. C. Harris vs. Wm. Bartlow et al.
Nancy A. Rogers vs. J. B. Williams et al.
S. L. Brettun vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
S. L. Brettun vs. Wm. Frederick.
Wm. Fritch vs. Wm. S. Hoff.
Abel D. Bent vs. H. D. Gans.
James Hanlin vs. J. B. Baxter et al.
Cornelius Perry vs. L. Lippman et al.
Mercy M. Funk vs. Heirs of Zimri Stubbs.
W. H. Hitchcock et al vs. J. N. Yerger et al.
M. M. Wells vs. Wm. W. Anderson et al.
James D. Hanlin vs. John Baxter et al.
Peter Yount vs. John D. Headrick Adr.
E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.
A Young Man Shoots His Brother.
Martin Barber, of Dexter, Cowley county, shot and severely wounded his half brother, J. W. Barber, on Friday, the 20th inst.
The circumstances, as we learn them are as follows.
J. W. Barber is rather a dangerous and dissipated man who has been in Texas and on the frontier for eight years previous to last December, when he came to his father's place near the head of Grouse creek in Cowley county, where he has remained until a short time ago. Two or three weeks ago he attempted tp perpetrate an outrage upon his half sister, and has conducted himself generally in an outrageous and scandalous manner, threatening to shoot the whole family.
On Sunday, the 14th inst., he came to Howard City, where his father was staying and got in a quarrel with him, threatening to shoot him, etc., but finally agreed that for $125 he would leave the country forever. To this, the old gentleman, Leander Barber, consented and paid him the money, and the young man went back to the home of the family on Grouse creek, where he remained for several days, when he went to Dexter.
About this time, Martin Barber, who is a man of exemplary character, about 23 years of age, returned from Emporia, and was told what had occurred; also, that his brother, J. W., had gone to Lazette and left word for Martin to come and see him. Martin started immediately, and not finding him at Lazette, went on to Dexter and found him. After having a few words together, Martin drew a revolver and fired at J. W., the ball taking effect just below his right ear and coming out under his right eye; inflicting a dangerous but not necessarily fatal wound.
Martin Barber then gave himself up to the authorities of Cowley county, and was taken to Winfield, where he waived a preliminary examination and gave bonds in the sum of $2,000 for his appearance at the next term of the District Court.
J. W. Barber, on Sunday night, after having been wounded on Friday, left Dexter, avowedly for the Indian Nation. He is said to have remarked on leaving that he would yet come back to Howard City and "wake them up," meaning his father and sister.
There seems to be some old grudge existing between J. W. Barber and his father, Leander Barber; what it is we have not heard.
Leander Barber moved to this country some two or three years ago from Bath county, Kentucky.
Martin Barber, the man who did the shooting, has always borne a good character where he was known, and we are convinced that the deed was committed, as he conscientiously believed, in the defense of the lives of his father and sister.
Elk County Ledger.
Coal at Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future goal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, I. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.
Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.
Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o'clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the school house at Salt City.
Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity, and all interested parties, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the same place, May 5th, 1877.
Moved and carried that the Arkansas City TRAVELER, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary.
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
RAILROAD MEETING. A railroad meeting will be held at this place in Pearson's Hall, Wednesday, May 14th, at one o'clock, to consider the railway interests of Cowley county. All are invited to be present. Endeavors will be made to have prominent railway men address the meeting.
A correspondent of the Coffeyville Journal, from Muscogee, Indian Territory, under date of April 18th, 1877, says:
John Dean, late of Cowley county, Kansas, who was reported drowned in the Arkansas river, near We-a-lar-ka; Creek Nation, July 1876, circumstantial evidence and partial admission is that he was murdered. The officers of the law are at work.
Did the Representatives of the K. C., E. & S. R. R.
Offer to go Through Winfield?
Letter from Gov. Eskridge.
EMPORIA, KAN., April 30th, 1877.
S. P. Channell, Esq.
DEAR SIR: Your letter of the 27th inst., with copy of Cowley County Telegram, containing a statement of the R. R. committee, of Winfield, came to hand this morning.
You call my attention to the statement of the committee and suggest whether a reply would not be appropriate. I answer, respectfully, no. The high regard I have for the committee forbids a dispute with reference to details merely. It is enough for the people of your county to know that after four different efforts by Mr. Young, and others, to secure the cooperation of the people of Winfield in the construction of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad, we failed to accomplish the object.
It is sufficient to say that upon the last visit made by Mr. Young and myself, the railroad committee, through its chairman, Mr. Smith, informed Mr. Young that they had one railroad proposition before them (the east and west road) and they did not at that time wish to entertain any other. As near as I can remember, those are his exact words.
The provisions of the modified proposition may have still been objectionable to the committee, but its rejection by the committee, so far as we knew, was on the ground solely that they did not wish to entertain it. The committee did not even invite us to its room to hear its conclusions, but sent its chairman to us at the hotel to inform us (if he reported truly, and I have no doubt he did) that they didn't wish to entertain it.
Mr. Young thanked the chairman for his prompt answer, and in a short time thereafter we left town. It is no use to multiply words. Those who have been acting for the people of Winfield know very well why a proposition to aid this road via that place was not agreed upon.
Say to the people of the townships, in which the propositions are now pending, if they want the road, vote the aid and they will get it. Greenwood county has carried the proposition and the survey will commence this week, and then work for the construction will be prepared as fast as possible.
The truth will do to stand by. Mr. Young will be here Wednesday next to commence the location of the route.
Truly yours, C. V. ESKRIDGE.
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
Railroad Matters in Butler Co.
AUGUSTA, May 2nd, 1877.
R. C. Haywood, Esq.
DEAR SIR: Replying to your letter of the 27th ult., I have to say that the people of the several townships in Butler county, in which propositions are submitted to vote bonds to the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad Company are generally wide awake and are deeply interested in the result. We shall vote on the propositions in a few days, and shall then know the result beyond any peradventure. But we feel confident that all the townships will vote the necessary aid to this most important enterprise, and that there will be no questions about the road being built to the south line of this county, from Kansas City, Mo., within 18 months from the time the aid is secured along the whole route to Arkansas City. But should your people fail to vote the aid, I am of the opinion the enterprise will either stop entirely, or seek an outlet in Sumner county. I have seen a number of Sumner county people within the last ten days who are very anxious to have the road built through their county.
It is a good route for the people of Southwestern Kansas, giving us easy access to the capital of our State and other Kansas cities, and it brings us into close competition with Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, and other Eastern cities, at Kansas City, which is now the focus of railways in the West.
We have no doubt whatever of the financial standing of the men who are backing the project, nor of their good faith in the matter. If the people vote the aid along the proposed line, the railroad will be built on time and there is no question. We are as certain of that as we can be of anything that is not a
It is possible one township in this county may reject the proposition; but if that should be the case, it is also as certain that the proposition will be resubmitted and carried.
Maj. E. P. Bancroft, of Emporia, is in the several townships explaining the facts to the people. He meets with great success, carrying conviction to the minds of the people. They have great confidence in his integrity as a man.
Hoping that you will be successful in your efforts to procure the aid proposed, I remain, respectfully, yours,
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
From the San Juan Mines.
Editor Traveler:
Supposing that some of my old friends would like to know what I am doing, I will ask for room in your columns to explain. I am mining red hot, but my partner being on the sick report this evening, I have to stay in. I have a one-fourth interest in twelve mines, and have been offered five thousand dollars for some of them, but think I can do better. I think I can stick to the Mountains one year more and then leave satisifed. I have not done much this winter but prepare for the summer. My prospects now are flattering, but boys, take my advice, and don't come out here strapped.
A man coming out here dead broke, knowing nothing about the country or mining, and a regular tenderfoot (as we call 'em out here), will be in a bad row of stumps, for I have tried it. But a man can do well here if he has a little money, and if he has property there, such as land or town property, or any kind of stock, he can trade for mines. You can trade anything you have there for mines, but grasshoppers--anything from a Nova Socita gentleman cow to a South American seacrab, for their real value.
Lake City is a red hot little town of two years, and about fifteen hundred inhabitants. Has good churches, good schools, good society, and about seventy-five business houses. It is situated on the Gunnison river at the junction of the Gunnison and Henson rivers, between two large mountains on the east and west side, river running north. There is one smelter in the edge of town and one a mile up the Gunnison river, that is all there are in this camp, but I think one year more will bring lots of them. There is a lively little paper in Lake City called the Silver World, and it is just such another as the TRAVELER, all the time getting off something.
Please accept my compliments, and don't forget old Bill Wilson.
Yours truly,
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
Twelve hundred head of cattle belonging to Mr. Buckley passed up the trail last Friday. The first herd were wintered in the Territory, and were to be driven to the Red Cloud Agency, Nebraska. Four hundred ponies passed up Saturday, for Great Bend, Kansas. Nine hundred and fifty through cattle passed up yesterday.
L. A. E. Hodge, Agency physician, reports a number of deaths among the Cheyenne and Arrapaho Indians.
Several hundred acres of prairie breaking is to be let to the lowest bidder to be broken in various places. Each Indian to receive as many acres of breaking as he will break for himself.
Loafers and horse thieves stand but little show in this country now. A man found without a pass, who cannot give a pretty good account of himself, stands a pretty good chance of spending a few nights in the guard house. Thus the peace of the country is preserved.
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
The following parties received certificates at the examination held in Winfield on the fourth and fifth instant.
First Grade: Miss Lena Bartlett, Miss M. E. Saint, Winfield; Mr. W. E. Ketcham, Maple City.
Second Grade: Anna O. Wright, Carrie Dixon, Georgia Christian, Stella Burnett, Arkansas City; Sarah Hollingsworth, Polo; Lucy Bedell, Lazette; Mary Pontius, Winfield; Veva Walton, Oxford; Adelia Eagin, Rock.
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
Council met in regular session, at the office of I. H. Bonsall, Monday, May 75h, James Benedict acting Mayor; J. I. Mitchell, H. P. Farrar, Ho. Godehard, I. H. Bonsall, Councilmen.
Judge Christian reported on his trip to Winfield to redeem city lots sold for taxes, but not paying all taxes due, they were not redeemed.
Bill of E. D. Eddy allowed.
Bill of R. C. Haywood, $6.65, referred to Finance Committee.
Petition of L. W. Currier's for dram shop license, containing 125 names, referred to City Clerk, I. H. Bonsall, and City Attorney, Amos Walton.
On motion the Council adjourned to meet Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock.
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
STRAW HATS are in vogue now.
Mr. Newman has wheat that has headed.
Jeffers has a boy, and Hawthorne a girl.
A child of Mr. Garris was buried yesterday.
Mr. Estus is building a good frame building.
Chet Ward sold his blacksmith shop to Felton & Wood.
Haywood sold three mowing machines to the Osage Agent this week.
Old Mr. Sweet is living with his son George at Alleghany, Pennsylvania.
Rev. Wingar expects to be absent three or four weeks on a tour to recuperate.
E. C. Hawkins has his cane mill ready for work waiting for the time to come.
Salt City was represented last Saturday by Wm. Berkey and H. B. Pruden.
Ladies always meet a cordial reception and prompt attention at Wilson's Central Store.
Rev. David Thompson supplied the pulpit of the First Church last Sunday evening.
Will Mowry was learning city life in Wichita this week. He returned Monday evening.
Charley Hawkins, Rev. Blevins, and old Mr. Terry were married last week. All widowers.
J. L. Stubbs and wife, escorted by Monateur De La Ed. Finney, will be at this place May 16th.
COURT began last Monday. There are 92 cases on the docket, and six days will probably complete the term.
According to the announcement some time ago, Bishop Vail will preach at the First Church next Friday evening.
MR. WM. COOMBS will have native lumber for sale next week, and will contract for the cutting and hauling of fire wood.
RYE. RUSSELL COWLES left us a sample of rye, yesterday, measuring three and one half feet long, with a head of 6-1/2 inches.
DIED. On Tuesday, May 1st, Mrs. Smith, wife of R. W. Smith, living east of the Walnut. The old lady had been lingering for two years.
SID MAJOR, at the Central Hotel, Winfield, will be glad to meet all his acquaintances during court week. The Central is the best hotel in the city.
The blackbirds are eating young grasshoppers by the thousands. Where there were millions a few weeks ago, there are now comparatively few.
TERRY WOODYARD has put up a bench in Kellogg & Hoyt's store and will arrange the machinery of your watch so that it will keep sun or railroad time.
MR. KELLOGG, registrar of Sedwick County, and G. W. Seevey, of Hoopstown, Ill., called on us last week. Mr. Seevey was looking for a suitable location for a bank.
HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN. Almost from the beginning of Arkansas City, the firm of Houghton & McLaughlin has been a familiar household word with the people of Cowley and Sumner counties. Other firms have started, changed hands, and finally gave way to the grasshopper and Indian panics, yet the "Old Reliable Green Front" has pursued its onward course, until now we find them occupying a building one hundred feet long, on one side of the street, filled with dry goods, clothing, and every conceivable article of apparel, while on the opposite side is their grocery and queensware department, almost as large. Their trade is by no means confined to this county alone, but reaches far to the western border and almost to Texas. During the year 1874, their trade with the Osage Indians alone, for four months, amounted to $30,000; and since then, they have been parties to a contract with the Kaws, Osages, Pawnees, Cheyenne & Arrapahoes, Wichitas, Caddoes, and affiliated bands, Kiowas, and Comanchees. Having the advantage of buying largely, they buy cheap; and selling a large quantity of goods, they can afford to sell at a smaller margin. Last week their spring stock arrived, and it is now displayed on their avenue shelves. To all who have not seen them, or made a visit to the new store, it will pay to go.
A BOTANICAL RARITY. Mr. James Wilson, who has recently become one of our citizens, and who has long been known in this State, and to eastern botanists, as an enthusiastic lover of ferns, informs us that in one of his fern hunts in the beautiful canons that reach out from the Walnut river, and form a prominent feature of its romantic scenery, he has found among other species of rock ferns, one that has long been a disideratum amongst botanists--the rare and pretty little Nothalaena dealbata. He speaks of it as being very abundant in this neighborhood, and although for the past ten years. Eastern botanists have been writing to him for specimens, he has never been able to find it until now.
At present its delicate little pods are half grown, and when its spores begin to expand--which will probably be in August, he will be glad to send carefully prepared specimens to Eastern botanists or others who may be interested in this, his favorite branch of botany. In the "Naturalists Directory," published a few months ago, his address was Leavenworth, Kansas. Naturalists will please notice that his address is changed to Arkansas City, Cowley county, Kansas.
ROSE'S HORSE. A little fun, meant entirely for a joke, came near resulting in a serious matter a few days since, in the peaceful township of Bolton. It was something after the following manner. A young man was in the habit of calling on a young lady. One evening not long past, he came as usual, tied his horse to the wagon, and went into the house. When he was ready to return home, his horse was gone, and he had to "foot it." A day or two passed and the horse did not return, and search began, with no result. Then vigilance committees were talked of, and orders given to one of the parties concerned to find that horse. Before violent measures were taken, the animal was found stuck in the mud, some distance from where it was turned loose.
One of the most cowardly, sneaking, detestable, and little tricks was perpetrated on Mr. L. C. Carrier, Monday night, that has been brought to our observation for some time. Evidently it has been some enemy of the man who has not the courage to speak to him or of him; but in the darkness of night, sought not only to ruin the name of the man, but to drag down his family and connections. We refer to the obscene sign placed alongside of his house. The gentleman so grossly insulted can have the satisfaction, however, that the act is denounced as contemptible by every pure minded citizen.
UNIVERSAL FAIR. Mr. A. F. Wood, advance agent of the combination troupe of universal wonders, called on us last week and left a huge advertisement of their wonderful world's exposition and grand amusement organization. The animals of this paragon exhibition of the age, were wintered at St. Louis, Mo., and not being worn out by travel and exposure, are fat, lively, and manifesting exuberance of spirits. In the afternoon a free balloon ascension will be made if the weather is favorable, and an opportunity offered to view the landscape over.
PEACHES. ELISHA PARKER left with us a sprig from a peach tree, two feet in length, that contained eighty peaches about the size of a large grain of wheat. They were in clusters of three and four each, and had not been hurt by the frost.
In addition to the World's Fair to be held at this place next Monday, the Osage Indians propose giving a public war dance for a small contribution to be donated by the crowd. Many would rather witness their wild freaks than the trained actions of horse and riders. Come in anyway, and see the fun, whether you go to the show or not.
DEXTER, April 27th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Merydith, Friday, April 20th, a ten pound daughter. The grasshoppers are sick, and are about to take a relapse on account of the cold rains. A railroad meeting was held at the school house on the 20th, to cuss and discuss railway matters in general. HUGO S.
TWO PETITIONS FOR A SALOON LICENSE were presented to the city council at their meeting Monday evening: one of L. C. Currier's with 125 names; and one of Vice and Newcome with 131 names. A remonstrance of 152 names was also presented. To obtain a license, it requires the names of a majority of the residents over twenty-one years of age, and as the Council had no census of the city, it was left with the City Clerk and Attorney to determine how many residents the city contained.
BOOTS & SHOES. We desire to call the special attention of our readers to the advertisement in this issue, of T. E. Gilleland's Boot and Shoe Store, at Winfield. Mr. Gilleland is an experienced leather merchant and understands himself per-
fectly. His stock is probably the best to be found in the Southwest, and his prices as cheap or cheaper than any other house. The first time you are at the county seat, give him a call and learn his prices.
NEW DRUG STORE. In another column will be seen the advertisement of L. H. Gardner & Co., who have opened a lot of pure, fresh drugs, and liquors, and offer them to the public at reasonable rates. Anything in the drug line can be purchased of them, and they will be very glad to have you given them a trial.
Have opened a Drug Store in the new building south of Benedict's store, and have just received a large and fresh supply of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Pure Liquor for Medicinal Purposes.
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by an Experienced Druggist, at any hour of the day or night.
The work on the countering and shelving of Newman's store room, now occupied by Houghton & McLaughlin, displays workmanship equal to any we have seen in the State. The counters are made with black walnut tops, of one board two feet in width, with oak and pecan finish, giving it a rich appearance and finish.
We take pleasure in announcing that Capt. Nipp's wife is not dead, as reported. A neighbor of Mr. Nipp's died (Mrs. Olds); and the report was circulated that it was Mrs. Nipp. The Captain says his wife never was in better health, and was wonderfully surprised when she read her own death notice.
JONES, of Rock Creek, while on his way to the Territory with some stock, camped near the bluffs north of town, and noticed a wolf carrying food to a hole. He dug to the end of the hole and found six young wolves, which he took with him, intending to raise them for watch dogs.
A team, wagon, and plow were stolen from Hutchinson, Kansas, on Monday, May 1st, and the thief tracked this way. The horses were a black and roan, and the wagon "Whitewater" make. One of the parties in pursuit was in town last Sunday.
GEORGE ALLEN and FRANK SPEERS have made a number of new signs lately that were well lettered. Among others that of the "Arkansas City House"--a new boarding house just opened by Mr. Williams, one door above the Bakery.
PONY STOLEN. On last Wednesday, Charles Cobaugh, a boy fourteen years of age, in the employ of A. M. Smythia, rode off on a black mare pony, the property of Mr. Smythia. Nothing has been heard of him since he left.
LUMBER YARD. MESSRS. PARKER and CANFIELD have opened a lumber yard near A. O. Porter's blacksmith shop, and have all kinds of pine lumber and shingles. Orders for large or small quantities promptly filled.
Will keep on hand a full supply of finished lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc., and desire the public to call and see them at A. O. Porter's old stand. They propose to sell cheap for cash.
The applications for the next term of the public school at this place, beginning in September, will be acted on by the Board soon, and the award made. Prof. Bacon and Edwin Thompson have applied, up to this date.
It is reported that Mrs. Couchman, formerly of this place, obtained a divorce from her husband and married a very wealthy old gentleman, interested in the lead mines near Joplin, Mo.
GOLD. We received a tasty little box filled with specimens of gold, from a Colorado mine now being worked by Jack McLay. A letter from him will be seen in another column.
SILVERDALE is not without noted characters, even Knights of the Green Cloth are represented, and all the spare change of several individuals passes freely over on the turn of a card.
MARRIED. REV. BLEVINS was married last week to Miss Pitt. Mr. Blevins always has endeavored to follow the teachings of the good book, and in this case, has helped an ox from the Pitt.
MRS. J. E. NYE, at Washington, Lorain county, Ohio, is very anxious to learn the whereabouts of her brother, C. M. Brandt, who resided at this place a few months ago.
TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.
Worth Remembering.
We have divied our stock of goods, moving all but the groceries, queens, and glassware to the new brick store, and hereafter no groceries leave the old green front until settled for with cash or ready pay. "Please make a personal application." Respectfully,
MILLET SEED in large or small quanties at Berry Bros.
On and after May 20th, 1877, I will have native lumber for sale at my place 1-1/2 miles northeast of Arkansas City. I wish also at that time to sell a large quantity of fire wood, and will let contracts for cutting and hauling the same. Parties wanting anything in the shape of native lumber or wood can apply to me personally, or leave their orders at the office of Mitchell & Channell. WM. COOMBS.
MULES. I have several good mules and four tracts of land I will sell reasonable. L. C. WOOD.
The past week has added materially to railroad prospects of Kansas City. Let us see:
The road from Ottawa to Emporia, 45 miles, has been under contract for completion for some time. The vote of Greenwood county in favor of the subscription, has secured its extension from Emporia by way of Eureka to the west and south line of the county. From Eureka the road branches--one to Augusta, in Butler county; the other to Howard City, in Elk county. From Eureka to Augusta is 30 miles, and from Eureka to Howard City is 22 miles--in all from Emporia, 92 miles of road. From Ottawa to Emporia is 45 miles--an aggregate of 137 miles of new road, we may accept as secured.
This road will, we have no doubt, be soon provided for at Arkansas City, a distance of 40 miles more. At Howard City we are within 30 miles of the Indian Territory, and at Arkansas City, at the line. A glance at the map will show that these roads give an outlet to the country east of the Arkansas river to Kansas City and St. Louis and Chicago--much cheaper, in one-tenth the time, and to better markets than any proposed line direct east. In time these roads will be extended so as to still further accommodate the country. With ehse lines completed, there will scarcely be a farm in all Southern Kansas east of the Arkansas river that will be twenty miles from a railroad station.
And to secure these accommodations, the people are only taxes upon $4,000 per mile, whereas under the former system, it was from $15,000 to $20,000 per mile. At the cost by the present plan, these 137 miles of road are to be built on an agggregate subscription of $585,000 upon the people of seven counties. Under the old system, it would at the minimum have cost a subscription of $2,055,000, or nearly four times that much. We congratulate the people of Southwestern Kansas on their escape from the burden of their older neighbors in Kansas and Missouri.
Then there is another road that we may count on as secured--that from Florence on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe to Eldorado, in Butler county, a distance of thirty miles. The bonds of the townships of Prospect and Eldorado in that county were voted last Tuesday by a practically unanimous vote, and the contract having been let, work on the line has commenced. This is really a branch of the above road, and will be operated by it.
When we look at the map, with these lines all provided for, the future is secure--for west of the Arkansas will be penetrated, not by new roads projected from other points, but by extensions of these lines, as the settlement and business of the country demands. The past week has been one of the most important to Kansas City for ten years, and because these things took place so far away and from under our immediate notice, makes them none the less so. Journal.
The changes and different phases assumed by the railroad question in Cowley county are so frequent and numerous that we confess our inability to keep pace, and have about come to the conclusion to abandone the field for one in which we feel a greater interest and which we regard as less susceptible of change.
We now learn that the compromise measures between the two factions in that county, to which we called attention to last week, failed to meet the approval of all parties, and hence failed of a confirmation, and each party took the field independently and on their own hook, not only each to labor for the advancement of their own peat measure, but at the same time to what they might be able to accomplish the defeat of the other party.
In this manner the county was thoroughly canvassed by both parties, securing signatures to petitions. As the result, a petition was presented to the Commissioners on Monday, signed by over 1,900 pretended bona fide residents and legal voters of said county, praying for the submission to a vote of the question of issuing the bonds of the county in aid of the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth Western Branch Railroad, and the election was ordered to take place on the 22nd day of May.
The petitions heretofore circulated with a view to extending aid to the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad were not presented for the consideration of the Board.
The proposition submitted is destined to meet with a good deal of opposition from the people of the county, and our neighbors of Winfield will very soon learn whether they are able to manipulate and engineer the people of the entire county, to the end that they may build up a little kingdom on the Walnut. We shall see. Our limited space precludes further comment at present. Oxford Independent.
Railroad Talk.
Since the panic of 1873 there has not been so much railroad talk as we hear now. The difficulty experienced by the people of Elk, Chautauqua, and Cowley counties in moving their crops for the past year or two have made them feel that they must have a railroad of some kind and from some direction. The most natural hope on their part is for the extension of a road from Independence westward, and we believe it is conceded on all hands that this is what they want first of all. But they have talked railroad so much that like most of the people they have resolved to have one at any price and whatever line it may be.
There are several other proposed lines, all of them we think impracticable. There is some talk of using the old grade from Thayer across to Fredonia, Wilson county, and extending it thence to Howard City, through Elk county, and on goodness only knows where. That would be a road commencing nowhere and terminating at the same place.
Then there's the infant wonder, Parsons, wanting to raise the wind in some way, lest she shall lose all her laurels since the east and west road has been extended to Oswego. So there is a proposed narrow gauge line from Parsons, meandering through Wilson, taking in some little hamlets that have been long since thirsting for glory, running down in Elk county by a southwesternly course, entirely flanking Independence. This would be a nice thing for Parsonf, if nothing more, as it would require breaking bulk there, tthus compelling all the shipments from the west to pay tribute to that enterprising terminus of the narrow gauge.
Then there is the proposed extension of the road from Emporia southward, but this would only penetrate Sumner and Cowley, leaving Chautauqua and Elk as bad off as they are now.
The extension of a road from Independence westward would of course settle all other proposed projects, and to this we are called upon to address ourselves now. In getting the Southern Kansas road here, we of course have to pay for it, and it is but natural that we should want to retain the terminus as long as possible; though we have never thought the extension of the road westward would have the effect anticipated by some. However, we may set it down that none of these lines will be extended except by local aid in the way of bonds; and it is certain, also, that Montgomery county will vote no railroad bonds at all. She has seen the danger, suffered the penalty, and it is idle to talk of county aid. So that the only aid of that character in this county must be by townships, if at all. Louisburg township would vote bonds to get the road.
We think that the best outlay in the direction of aid to railroads now is for the extension of the Missouri & Western from Oswego here, thus giving us a direct line to St. Louis, securing competition in rates, and at the same time securing to Independence the termini of both roads, or compelling one of the roads to push on further westward without any aid from us. That would certainly be killing two birds with one stone. Independence Tribune.
[For the TRAVELER.]
Who Tells the Truth.
The citizens of Winfield are continually asserting that they were never opposed to the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern road. If this was the case, how do they explain the fact that they sent along with the so-called east and west petition, a remonstrance against the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern road; and if they had presented the remonstrance, as they intended to do, and had paid counsel to do, in case a petition for the north and south road (as they were pleased to call it) was presented, would that have shown any opposition to the road?
Why is it that you so continually assert that you were willing to give $100,000 for a north and south road; and that was sufficient, and yet insist now in bonding the county to the amount of $120,000 for a road that terminates northeast at the same place the north and south road, which you oppose,
And how is it that you rejected all propositions to run the east and west road wither west or south after it reached your place?
And how was it you were so careful in a proposition, which was dictated by yourselves, to mention no point between Lazette and Winfield, and thus give a chance to leave nearly the whole Grouse valley out in the cold and make them tributary to
It seems as though in attempting to bury a rival, you had miscalculated the judgment and sense of the common people in other parts of the county, and had forgotten that possibly the farmers and producers of the county and in the townships, might think it well to look out for their own interests, as you were looking out for yours.
You forgot that the farmers of Beaver and Vernon, who have large crops of grain to market, might say that they would not as leave haul one or two thousand bushels of wheat ten miles as three miles, and that they might consider themselves as on the direct line of the road, and as having to pay for it the same as Winfield; and therefore entitled to its benefit the same.
And you forgot that they would trust you a great deal quicker in regard to the road going in, if you had made provision for it, than they would on your mere assertion that some time it would.
And when you thought that the farmers of lower Grouse could not see that a very little twist west, instead of east, would give them several miles more hauling to market their grain, you underrated their perception.
And again, when you told the tale that the eastern end of the road was completed to Memphis; when you told in Nennescah, for the sake of getting petitioners, that it was the Fredonia road; when you told that the franchises were worked up to our county line--you forgot that these county people might take the trouble to look the matter up, and finding untruth in the beginning, might not trust any of your assertions, and brand you for a sham.
May 8th, 1877.
In traveling over the country, I find there is a great difference in the appearance of the growing grain. Some fields look very well while others look poorly. The corn and potatoes that were above ground before the frost, last week, were all killed by that frost. Of course, they will all come up again. Peaches look very well; the frost did them no damage. The grasshoppers do not seem to be doing anything at present. Perhaps they are filing their teeth to use on the coming crop.
Every voter in this part of the county is going to vote against the east and west paper railroad. The grave Winfield dug to bury Arkansas City will now be used for the interment of her own selfish carcass, so think the people of this section. For one, I think she ought to be kept from having a railroad for the next ten years in payment for her infernal greed in trying to keep Arkansas City from getting either road. Alas@ For the rarity of Winfield charity, in this respect.
A young blood, who is said to be one of Eldorado's merchants in the jewelry line, was down a short time ago, and while here, created quite a sensation among the young people near the mouth of Grouse creek; was also the cause of a large amount of saffron taking. In other words, he gave the measles to all the young folks he had the good fortune to be "knocked down" to. He tried to give his heart to one or two fair damsels on Grouse, but they thought he acted spooney, so they shipped him. He then got a gentleman to take him up the Arkansas bout three miles, where lives the prettiest girl in Cowley county. He was just about to offer himself, a sacrifice on the shrine of the beautiful goddess (of course, we will say Venus), when, oh, terror! the God Apollo (in the person of an old white haired man, of the old school) smote him with his thunderbolt of wrath and told him to leave his realm instanter. The greenhorn struck an attitude then that no artist's pencil could portray, no matter how good he might be at sketching.
We will state here that the soft, silly, sickish-and-flat, had never seen the last mentioned lady before his visit. It was clearly a case of love at first sight. It is a pity that the gods of truth and decency did not annihilate the reptile on the spot. We suppose, owing to the eternal fitness of things, he got away with his miserable life. He will very likely go back to the land of gold, where Venus and Apollo will no more trouble him in his blissful ignorance. No doubt he thinks, "Tis folly to be wise," under the circumstances. We will state for the benefit of the Eldorado merchant, that if he ever comes back to find out how a young lady's health is, or to ask permission to correspond with her, without any previous acquaintance, he will get scalded, and a split stick put on his--his--him. So mote it be.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
[For the Traveler.[
A Few Inquiries.
The last resort of a weak case is to accuse your adversary of lying, and this is the disease in Winfield, and especially in the Courier office.
The arguments in favor of the Parsons narrow gauge are so think they are not distinguishable when spread on paper. They have advocated the road with all the vim and powder at their command. Now in the closing days of the canvass, they see the props that have supported the enterprise, falling one by one, and the Courier, in agony of despair, stamps Arkansas City as a den of liars, and does not stop short of attacking the ministry to further the dying cause.
Good reader, imagine the man who, with the aid of the best of counsel and a thorough trial of a year or more in court, was able to present to the world by the court's own verdict, that his character was worth just one cent, accusing a community as a set of liars. Look up this man's record and see if he is a fit person to advise Cowley county as to her railroad interests, and whether he labors for the people in general or his own mercenary self.
Now what good does this originator of the Parsons & Puget Sound railroad give you for supporting this road at the polls?
First. Because it gives you direct connection with St. Louis. How? By breaking bulk in the line of the L. L. & G. R. R. and at Parsons on the M. K. & T. R. R. The distance between the two roads is so great that it affords no competition.
Second. Because the company is composed of substantial men, who are able to and will build the railroad if aid is voted. Matthewson, of Parsons, is the only man who is ever publicly referred to as one of the company; and they say he proposes to put twenty thousand dollars in the enterprise, enough to build a common flouring mill or build two or three miles of road.
The people ask: "Who composes the company that proposes to build the Parsons railroad, and have they the financial standing and means to build the road?
The "mouth piece" of Cowley county replies by giving the names of a contracting party and their standing, who are ready to build the road, or any other, provided they are paid for it. With equal consistency the manager of the Courier might define his finances by giving the names and financial standing of the parties with whom he contracts to furnish type, paper, etc.
Now, Mr. Courier, why don't you tell the people of Cowley county what you know to be the facts, in an honest and square way?
Why don't you tell the people that the proposition in support of the Parsons road was originated and written in Winfield for the sole purpose of defeating a fair proposition from the north that was being presented to the county? And that when the citizens of Tisdale asked for their town to be mentioned as one of the points, Hamilton replied that he could not do it, as the proposition was gotten up in Winfield!
Why don't you tell the people that in getting the names on your petition, you searched the graveyards, the townships in Sumner county, and the tax rolls of years ago, and to further the getting of names, you represented to men who did not read the petition that the road was to run in their immediate vicinity?
Why don't you tell the people about the financial standing of Hamilton, Matthewson, and other men who comprise the company, living at Cherokee, Neodesha, and Winfield, and whether they know anything about building railroads, or have a dollar to put in the enterprise, and not doge the question by giving the history of men who will do the work, if they are paid for it?
Why don't you tell the people that Missouri knows nothing of the line from Parsons to St. Louis? That no aid has been voted to such a project, nor can the road be built in the next five years?
Why don't you tell the people that the necessary number of petitioners in Tollerand and Dutch Creek townships, in Wilson county, cannot be obtained to call an election on the lines of your road, and that in Elk county you just barely obtained names enough to call an election, after working at it three weeks? That Howard City is solid against the proposition and Longton is divided, and that you haven't a ghost of a chance to carry this county?
Why don't you tell the people that the road is ridiculed at Parsons, and that the people there have no confidence in it, and that many citizens of Winfield strongly denounce the road as having no foundation, and say they will vote against the proposition; that you are urging the enterprise sprung to defeat another, simply to save yourself from failure, at the risk of tying up the county seven months on a bogus proposition?
Why don't you tell the people that these things, which you know to be facts, are true? and not answer honest inquiries by calling those who know something of this enterprise liars, etc.? Truth is stronger than fiction.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
[For the Traveler.]
Facts Against Fancy.
Proof Against Bald Assertion.
A single glance at the map of Kansas will convince the most skeptical that all the twaddle about the east and west project to Parsons being the most direct route to market, for the farmers of Cowley, is all bosh--mere clap-trap. Men may prate about
Chicago, St. Louis, and other eastern cities being a market for our surplus products. So are London, Liverpool, Paris, Glasgow, and other places, consumers of our produce; but is there one buyer in a hundred that ships to these places? No, not one in a thousand.
What the produce raiser wants is a market near home. This we have in Kansas City, the emporium of the New West, and to that point we must look for our sales and purchases, whether we like it or not. "Larger ships may venture more, but little boats must keep near shore." Large dealers may ship East, but the smaller ones must look to Kansas City as a rallying point. This being an admitted fct, the question of the utmost importance to the wheat and grain raisers of the Arkansas and Walnut valleys is, how to get there by the most direct route?
We say that the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad is the most direct route that has been discussed, and is now before the people.
Arkansas City is in township 34, south range 4 east. Kansas City is in township 11, range 26 east--196 miles in a straight line northeast. Parsons, the terminus of what is cunningly called the east and west road, is in township 31, south range 20 east, directly south of Lawrence.
Now count the distance by sections from Arkansas City up the Walnut to Augusta, Butler county; thence to Eureka, in Greenwood county; thence to Emporia, in Lyon county; thence to Ottawa, Franklin county; thence to Kansas City, our market. You will find the distance is 233 miles.
Then take the Parsons route to Elk City, thence to Parsons, thence by M., K. & T. road (broad gauge) to Kansas City, and you have 241 miles--eight miles the longer route to Kansas City, our natural outlet.
So much for this boasted east and west route being the most direct. You see it is all moonshine and a delusion.
Citizens of Cowley, you who will have to pay dearly for this bogus road if it is ever built (which you are satisfied it never will), think of these matters before you go to the polls on next Tuesday to cast your ballots for a road that has neither life nor vitality; but, aside from the injustice it would entail on two-thirds of the taxpayers of our county, come out in your might, and strangle the bastard institution at its inception.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
From Tisdale.
TISDALE, May 14th, 1877.
Editor Traveler:
DEAR SIR: I attended the grand mass meeting held at Winfield, on Saturday last, and a grand affair it was. Some gentleman from the south part of Rock Township, I believe, was elected Chairman, and Cliff Wood of Winfield, was elected Secretary. Manning was called upon to explain the object of the meeting, and in his sonorous monotones made some statements about the Pikes Peak and Puget Sound Railroad, Winfield branch, and from his own statements, there is no likelihood of his road being built at all.
He was followed by a gentleman by the name of Rushbridge, I think, who lives at Winfield and is a preacher. Rushbridge made a rampant political speech about railroads in general, and in particular, in favor of the Parsons road and against the
K. C., E. & S. Railroad, and not particularly against the citizens of Arkansas City.
He said he knew the Parsons Railroad Company was substantial and that they would build the road. But when Mitchell asked him something about it, he could not even tell who its President is, and referred to General Peanut agent Manning.
Then followed Mitchell in a short speech in answer to the others, and Judge Hackney then made some statements about "escrow." This meeting appeared to me to be a fight between two or three little villages and a few individuals, and nothing about what railroads are need in Cowley county.
It may be best to always consult the towns about railroads, but it seems to me the farmers might be entitled to be consulted once in awhile as they will have to pay for the roads when built. If this Parsons road is the same one which broke up some time since, over east, it is a humbug from beginning to end. I think it is the same Company, as some of the directors, at least in this company, are the same persons who were members of that company; and they busted up completely over there and could not pay the hands who did the grading; and I believe they still owe the workmen for the grade done on the same road at and near Brownsville.
I don't think the people of Tisdale want anything to do with this fraud, and you will see that their votes say the same at the election. The extreme wet weather probably kept the farmers from the meeting; and the city of Winfield, being the only part of the county represented to any great extent, they had it their own way generally.
I believe there were but two persons from Vernon, two from Rock, four from Tisdale, three or four from Creswell, two from Dexter, and two from Lazette, and the balance from Winfield.
On the general wind-up they passed a resolution that we, the people of Cowley county, in mass meeting assembled, etc., favor the Parsons railroad project. The number voting in favor of the resolution as announced by the chairman was 51, and no announcement was made as to those opposed. I should think there were at least 25 votes in the neagive, as I know there were at least that many persons present who do not favor the Puget Sound fraud.
Rushbridge had the manhood to move to strike out the word "the" in the resolution before "people" or "citizens," and Amos Walton had the charity to move to insert "we, the citizens of Winfield," and someone else had the ignorance to move to lay the amendments on the table, which would have taken the resolution with it, but Hackney's tactics defeated the amendments, and the General Peanut boy moved the passage of the original resolution; and it was carried with the result before given.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Levi Wilson was awarded the contract for supplying corn at Fort Leavenworth, yesterday, at 89 cents per hundred, and oats at $1.18 per hundred.
James E. Fenlon was awarded the contract for corn and oats at Fort Sill, Gibson, and Reno.
Major Adams, Manhattan, the contract for Fort Riley; 94 cents per hundred pounds corn, $1.50 on oats; and an honest granger got the contract for Fort Dodge; delivered at Newton, corn, $1.10.
A. C. Keever, of Topeka, contract for Doge, oats, $4.65, delivered at Newton.
Some experienced grain men say that some of the bills are very low.
James E. Fenlon, at Ft. Sill, corn $1.41, oats $1.97; at Fort Reno, corn $1.59, oats $1.97; at Fort Reno, corn $1.59, oats $2.47; Fort Gibson, corn $1.27, oats $2.07.
Leavenworth Items, Kansas City Journal.
Put up your window and door screens.
How do you take your butter--with onions?
Dr. Kellogg and wife returned from Iowa last week.
The street preacher failed to make his appearance last Saturday.
COUNTY SCRIPT is at par, and there is $5,000 [? $3,000 ?] in the county treasury.
The Arkansas and Walnut rivers were both full to the banks Monday.
J. L. Stubbs and Edward Finney with their wives are expected today.
ALFALFA. Frank Lorry left us a sample of alfalfa last week measuring two feet.
One man in the callaboose Monday night. It is a cold, lonesome looking place.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood, Sunday, May 13th, a daughter. Weight 12 pounds.
The amount of taxes paid into the county treasury to May 1st reaches $37,000. On May 1st last year it was $35,000.
One of the monkeys of the side show jumped upon Wm. Berkey as he was passing it, and left the print of its teeth in his arm.
I. H. BONSALL and A. W. PATTERSON found it impossible to attend the railroad meeting at Sedan last week on account of high water.
SUMNER COUNTY is circulating a petition to call an election for the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad, to be extended from Cowley county, west.
THE CONTRACT for repairing the El Paso bridge across the Arkansas river was let by the County Board of Sumner county. The lowest bid was $350. Work is to be begun immediately.
We are pleased to announce the location among us of Doctors W. W. and W. A. McCormick, of Fredonia, Kansas. Both are medical men of no small reputation, and are bound to make friends.
The bridge across the Walnut is to be completed by June 2nd. Work on the piers has began and the material for the iron span is at Wichita. Mr. Bullene, of Leavenworth, has the contract.
MARRIED. On Thursday evening, May 3rd, at Osage Agency, Indian Territory, by Rev. Fleming, Mr. J. L. Stubbs and Miss Gertrude Finney, both of that place. Further notice will be given next week.
R. R. MEETING IN BOLTON. Meetings will be held at Bland's school house next Wednesday evening, and at Theaker's school house Friday, May 25th, to engage in free discussion over the railway interests of Bolton Township.
THE SHOW. Owing to the inclemency of the weather during the forenoon of Monday, and the raising of the streams, the people east of the Walnut and Grouse, as well as the Indians, were prevented from attending the exhibition. Eight cages contained all the animals, and the performances of horseback riders, contortionists, trapese gymnasts, etc., lasted about two hours and a half. In the side show close by were a few monkeys, a bear, and little separate apartments, where the unwary were enticed to risk money on a lottery scheme, or be swindled by a female phrenologist. One young man, whose name we refrain from making public out of charity for him, put up $20 on an envelope said to contain $30, and lost his money. As he had not wit-
nesses, the matter had to go by unheeded by the officers of the law, yet we hope has not entirely thrown away, as it should make him a wiser and better man.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following are the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the months of April and May.
Levi Stump and Alice Mann.
Franklin P. Shuth and Amanda Vaneter.
Thos. D. Berry and Helen Wright.
John M. Reed and Elizabeth Ross.
W. D. Sitten and Sarah E. Rea.
Joseph Disser and Katy Birdzell.
Thomas Larkin and Martha Hayden.
John Blevins and Jennie Pitt.
Francis Knox and Mary Moyse.
J. V. D. Terry and Sarah Boyd.
Elijah C. Hawkins and Cynthiana Shaw.
W. H. Frazee and Susannah Morehead.
James H. Vance and Jennie McGauhy.
Chas. F. Allison and Sarah Toplin.
John Devore and Penlope Seacatt [? not sure of her name]
Geo. H. Dwyer and China Baldwin.
Robert Dewett and Corba Red.
The total number of marriage licenses issued in Cowley county since August 16, 1870, is 553; the first being to John D. Brown and Malinda Winscott, and the next to A. A. Jackson. The old docket is nearly worn out, but the Judge has a new one ready, so that there need be no delay.
DEXTER was a live town last Friday. Monroe's show was in the place, and many of the people of the surrounding country had gathered there. During their stay, Mr. Levi Miller of Beaver Creek, was relieved of $90 he had just received of Mr. Wiley, in payment for some cattle, and several others found an opportunity to pay $2.00 for a phrenological chart. Mr. Miller claimed his pocket was picked, but the parties who paid $2 for the chart claimed the woman made it out without their consent and then demanded the fee. The at first refused, but seeing shoulder strikers nearby ready for any emergency, concluded it was better to pay the sum than fight. One young man, however, drew a pistol and showed fight, and was allowed to go free.
SHOOTING AFFRAY AT CEDAR VALE. On last Thursday, John Bybee, of Cedar Vale, had some words with Jesse Peterson, of the same place, which finally resulted in a quarrel, during which Peterson grabbed a carbine and shot Bybee in the head; the ball entering behind the ear and coming out in the jaw. Both have been residents of Cedar Vale for some time and the quarrel was the result of an old feud. Bybee is said to be a very quarrelsome man, and was shot once before in a quarrel.
BOY HURT. MARSH TRISSELL, son of W. B. Trissell, aged ten years, was knocked down by Walker's light wagon team, driven by a colored man, Banks, Monday afternoon while he was crossing the street. The double-tree struck him first, and he was thrown under the wagon; both wheels passing over him. For awhile the boy was unconscious, but was taken home and is now on his feet again.
ARKANSAS CITY IS EXPERIMENTING. For a number of years she has been without a saloon, and all the while liquor found its way as readily to those who wanted it as when a saloon was licensed. They now have issued two saloon licenses, and have $400 paid into the city fund, where they had nothing before.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
[For the Traveler.]
From Winfield.
WINFIELD, May 9th, 1877.
FRIEND SCOTT. The east and west proposition is a fair one, and one that you need not be afraid of. The above is the language of the Telegram. Mr. Allison speaks truly when he says we need not be afraid of it, but forgets to add--of it being built.
Now we all know too well the financial condition of this road to be humbugged and led to believe that if the bonds are carried at the coming election, the road will be built.
We want an east and west road, but we cannot afford to vote bonds in aid of such a project as this, it is simply tying our hands against our own interests, and keeping us from procuring a proposition from a company tht we know is reliable.
I believe that if we had a proposition from the east that was reliable, it would receive the hearty support of the entire county, but the one we have now will surely not. Consider well before you cast your vote. The time is close at hand when you will be called upon to decide this matter, and cast your vote either for or against the bonds. It is a serious matter, and one that should be well considered.
If you are not posted in regard to the financial condition of this road and its ability to comply with its contract to build a road across the flint hills of Elk county, and through the roughest portion of Cowley, for the small sum of four thousand dollars per mile, you should by some means be enlightened, and have the matter placed before you as it is, not as it is placed before you by the bulldozers of Winfield.
I do not wish to call anyone of the gentlemen who have been canvassing the county in behalf of the east and west proposition a thief, liar, or cut-throat, as does the Courier speak of some of your citizens, but I do know they have told some pretty slimy stories. They have even went so far as to make some of the good citizens of lower Grouse believe that there would be a branch road from Lazette to the mouth of the Grouse. Now a man that will tell such an absurd falsehood as this does it for some purpose; he probably owns a few corner lots in the city of Winfield, and thinks by lying and deceiving the people, he will be able to make a stake. We hope the people will look to their own interests before it is too late, and trample underfoot the serpent that is about to sting them.
Court makes it lively for the hotels. Sid and Robert have all they can do.
Winfield has more doctors and lawyers than any other town in the Southwest.
The Honorable Col. E. C. Manning says: "If Arkansas City defeats the east and west proposition, the citizens of Winfield will be so enraged that they will sink it to the very bottom of hell." The Colonel, no doubt, would like to have company, as he went there last fall, according to his own saying (to the Senate or to hell). M.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
SHEEP FOR SALE. I have 400 young ewes for sale cheap for cash; can be seen at Sam Parks, 8 miles northeast of city.
TO TRADE FOR BREAKING, a new 40 steel teeth harrow, and a 14 inch breaking plow. J. ALEXANDER.
FRESH LIME at Moore's kiln.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Arkansas City:
SECTION 1. No person shall keep a saloon, or place where malt or spirituous liquors are sold in any quantity, without having first obtained a license for that purpose; and any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
SECTION 2. An annual tax of two hundred dollars shall be levied and collected from each person or firm owning or conducting any saloon, dram shop, or place where malt or spirituous liquors are sold, on the first day of May of each year, or when such persons or firm commence business; provided that when they shall make application after the last day of May of each year, they shall only pay in proportion to the fractional part of the year, but in no case shall any deduction be made for the fractional part of a calendar month.
SECTION 3. All persons owning or conducting any saloon, dram shop, or place where malt or spirituous liquors are sold, shall, in addition to the requirements of this ordinance, comply in respects with the provisions of an act entitled "An act to restrain dram shops and taverns, and to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors," approved March 3, 1868; and any person violating any of the provisions of said act, or of this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof, where not otherwise specially provided for, be fined in a sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars.
SECTION 4. Ordinance fifty-one (51) of the City of Arkansas City is hereby repealed.
SECTION 5. The above Ordinance No. fifty-four (54) shall be in force on and after its publication once in the Arkansas City Traveler.
Attest: I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Bids for Transportation.
LAWRENCE, KANSAS, May 11, 1877.
Sealed proposals will be received in this office until 3 p.m. Friday, the 1st day of June next, for transportation of Indian goods and supplies, from points in Kansas to various Agencies in the Indian Territory. Circulars containing full information can be obtained on application to this office.
WM. NICHOLSON, Superintendent.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Number of bushels of corn on hand the first day of March, 1877, in Creswell township, 12,535.
Wm. Sleeth and James I. Mitchell have the greatest number of bushels of corn. Mr. Sleeth has 1,500 and Mr. Mitchell 1,200.
On the first day of March, 1877.
No. of hogs over 5 months old: 503.
No. of horses over 6 months old: 523.
No. of mules over 6 months old: 86.
No. of cattle over 6 months old: 726.
Whole No. personal property statements in 1877: 304.
Whole No. personal property statements in 1876: 214.
Amount of taxable personal property in 1877: $68,617.
Amount of taxable personal property in 1876: $60,187.
INCREASE: $8,430.
Value of improvements: $6,370.
Land entered after March 1, 1876: 241
Total increase in 1877: 15,041.
Number of fruit trees in Creswell Township in 1877.
Peach trees, bearing: 8,911
Peach trees, not bearing: 11,999
Apple trees, bearing: 547
Apple trees, not bearing: 4,193
Cherry trees, bearing: 204
Cherry trees, not bearing: 318
Pear trees, bearing: 91
Pear trees, not bearing: 158
Plumb trees, bearing: 11
Plumb trees, not bearing: 55
Number of acres in fall wheat: 2,819.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
From Dexter.
DEXTER, KANSAS, May 1st, 1877.
Editor Traveler:
Pursuant to agreement the people of Dexter and vicinity met to hear a report from the delegation sent to Sedan, on last Saturday. The committee reported verbally per Uncle John Wallace (one of their number) giving a detailed account of all that was done at Sedan. After their report, in which everybody seemed interested, speeches were made by Messrs. Calison, Elliott, and Esq. Smith, of Sheridan Township.
Just before the close of the meeting, an expression of the people was taken, both for this route running from the east through Chautauqua county, and westward to Winfield and Arkansas City, and against the Memphis, Ellsworth & Puget Sound railroad, which expression was unanimous in favor of the former and unani-mously opposed to the latter. Was requested by vote of meeting to send the above to you for publication.
F. H. ALEY, Secretary.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Telegrams were received here last week, announcing the arrest of J. C. Fraker, the president of the defunct National Bank (Wichita). The Government detectives, we are informed, made the arrest over a week ago, somewhere on the Mexican border, in the State of Texas, and took the prisoner to Austin. Charley Jones, deputy U. S. Marshal, left last Friday for the above place, with the necessary papers, and will bring Mr. Fraker back to the State. He will be taken to Topeka or Leavenworth.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Mr. Young, the civil engineer of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern narrow gauge rrailroad, confidently anticipating the voting of the aid asked for the southern end of the line, is now working up the eastern end, and by the time the elections are all held in the southern counties, the several counties and townships along the eastern end will be ready to vote on the question of aid to the road, and we doubt not will readily vote the bonds asked. Emporia Ledger.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Mr. E. C. Manning has been in our county this week, getting up a proposition for railroad bonds--which said proposition our people will soon be called upon to accept or reject at the polls. Manning cannot believe that any good will ever come of a railroad proposition which proposes to build a road to Arkansas City. He has disciples in Elk county who feel the same way about a road through Howard City. Elk County Ledger.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
Florence voted the twenty thousand dollars in bonds to the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut Valley Railroad on Tuesday, by a vote of 133 to 15. All has now been done that was to be done by the township and the railroad company have a clean field before them. Parties coming from Florence report that large forces are at work throwing dirt along the line, and everything is being pushed along rapidly. Press.
TRAVELER, MAY 16, 1877.
The L. L. & G. railroad is to be sold to pay its unpaid mortgage, and will be bought by a company which will extend it from Independence to Arkansas City, and thereby give the latter place what it has long wanted--a railroad. News.
A Glimpse of the Happy Land Soon to Be Made
Accessible by Railroad.
[From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
Arkansas City, Kans., April 18. The trip from Wellington to this place is accomplished by "buck board" and stage, via Winfield, in eight hours.
The ride is recommended to dyspeptics.
This town is keeping pace with the spirit of improvement apparent all over Kansas. Good times are continually at her doors. The brick blocks of Newman and Haywood, and the Methodist church, are among the new buildings. The former is one hundred feet in depth, and two stories in height, with a handsome iron front. The finishing touches are being put upon it, and the goods for its shelves are arriving.
Mr. Haywood is already occupying his block with an immense hardware store. The church is nearly enclosed. One of the latest accession to the business facilities of the town is the arrival of Mr. Wilson from Leavenworth, with a large stock of dry goods, etc. Mr. Wilson has been well known among a large circle of people in Kansas for the past twelve years, as one of the leading merchants of the State, and has enjoyed to an enviable extent their confidence and respect. His removal to Arkansas City will be a surprise to many who considered him one of the "institutions" of Leavenworth's commercial and social circles.
He considers the name of this town unfortunate, and suggests that it be changed to "Twin Rivers," but Brother Scott of the Traveler objects to any new "turn of the tune." I was about to suggest
This is a grand country. As one stands here and gazes upon its rivers and forests and boundless sea of prairie beyond, he comprehends something of its possibilities. Here are millions of acres awaiting the plow. Here are forests to supply lumber and fuel. Here are inexhaustible quarries of magnesian limestone, that can be dressed with a saw and the plane.
Here are rivers and springs, whose limpid waters will yet turn myriads of spindles. Here is a soil and climate adapted to all the products of the temperate zone.
The rigors of winter never reach this latitude, and the hot sun rays of summer are tempered by a perpetual breeze. Sickness is almost unknown. There are no stagnant pools, no alkali, no miasmatic vapor.
With all the conditions for man's happiness so admirably prepared, it is no wonder that thousands are flocking to occupy the land.
Here is the wealth of an empire, with resources but hinted at by what has been accomplished.
In 1875, with but one eighth of its area in cultivation, the cash value of the wheat, oats, corn, and potatoes, raised in Cowley county, was $900,000.
This is an unfavorable season, and with the most superficial tillage in many instances, was a good showing.
Arkansas City has a very favorable location, which will be more apparent upon the advent of a railroad. Its natural advantages for commanding the grain and produce trade are equal to any town south of Wichita, while as the entry port for Texas cattle it is bound to excel any of its predecessors in their palmiest days. It is particularly fornuate in this respect. East of this the Indians have placed an embargo upon the traffic, and the routes west of this are obstructed by high water in spring, and parched with drouth in summer.
From this point good roads, with streams bridged, lead through the Territory to the forts upon the north and west frontiers of Texas, and directly through the great grazing region of the country.
The supplies for the various Agencies are hauled over these routes. The single item of flour manufactured here last year for the Indians amounted to more than one million pounds.
With these route well established, with wood and water at convenient intervals for camping purposes, and with no prohibition from herding a million head of cattle on the boundless natural pastures that spread away to the south of the town, it takes no gift of prophesy to see what this point is destined to become in commercial importance.
Its isolation from railroads is the only unpleasant feature about it, and this will exist for only a short time longer.
The "Kansas City, Emporia and Southern" narrow gauge, of which I wrote you from Emporia, is certain to be built, the citizens of this part of the county being determined to have it at any cost.
A road of standard gauge is also being agitated from Independence west through Montgomery, Chautauqua, Cowley, and Sumner counties. Whether the route finally decided upon will be through Sedan to this point and hence to Caldwell, or striking further north through Longton, Elk Falls, Lazette, and Winfield, will terminate at Wellington, is to be determined somewhat by typography of the county, but more by the local aid it receives.
At any rate, the era of railroads is drawing upon this county, and "there's millions in it." G.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
Kansas has more newspapers in proportion to population than any other State in the Union: One hundred and seventy-two.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
MAPLE CITY, KAN., May 10, 1877.
I am still "on the wing" but getting badly jolted for one traveling in that way. I would advise a man who is contemplating a trip through eastern Cowley to take out a life policy in some good company for the future well being of his family.
I am compelled to say this from the bad condition of the roads. I don't believe the people of some sections of this part of the county even pretend to work on the roads.
Of course, I judge from their condition: Creeks I crossed seven years ago are still unbridged. This tells a bad--very bad--story, for the citizens living there.
Maple City is getting to be quite a little town. Mr. Southard is doing a fine business. He has a large stock of goods and is selling them rapidly and reasonabley. He also has the post office where the TRAVELER is received by a large number of farmers. "Hard times" is the universal cry here.
The TRAVELER premium pictures "take" like hot cakes out here. The "Turn of the Tune," gets away with them completely. Everybody would take it if money was more plenty.
Twenty-five miles today in the rain, good bye. More anon.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
Bridges Carried Away.
Wheat and Corn Fields Overflown and Devastated.
For the past ten days heavy rains have been falling throughout this section and the streams gradually rising. On last Friday the Arkansas was noticed as being very full, and on Saturday the rise was very rapid, bringing with it drift wood and live trees. Some of the latter being cedar, supposed to have come from the mountains. This would go to prove that the rains had extended to the mountains, or the immense body of water caused by the melting of snow.
Until Saturday night no apprehensions of the destruction of the bridge were entertained until large trees came floating down and the water began to flow around the approach. The Township Trustee then engaged a number of men with poles to push the floating logs under the bridge; but they came so thick and fast, and the night being very dark, it was deemed useless, and they abandoned the work at eleven o'clock at night.
At three o'clock Sunday morning, Wyard Gooch and others went down, and found all but four spans of the bridge gone. They then sent back for rope and tied the remaining span on the north side, to a post and a tree about half as thick as a man's body. Not long after a very large tree with heavy branches came sweeping past, and striking the span, carried it away. After being swept from the piles on which it was built, it swung around to the bank, and the force of the current caused the post to break and left it swinging on the one rope tied to the tree. This soon began to crack, and in a few seconds, the tree was pulled out by the roots and the structure went with the current. Those who were on the river bank most of the time say that large pine branches and portions of other bridge timbers could be seen every few minutes, supposed to have belonged to the El Paso and Wichita bridges.
The bottom lands on the Arkansas present a wonderful spectacle. Whole fields of wheat and corn opposite Arkansas City are completely inundated, and the country around almost under water. Nothing is left between Carder's house and the Arkansas river except the sand hills, and the only way to reach the fank of the river is by boat.
We made an effort to cross to the ridge just opposite where Davis' house stood, on horse back, and the horse was compelled to swim. Wm. Coombs, James Wilson, E. E. Eddy, and others, while making the attempt earlier in the day, mired their animals, and had to wade ashore. On the island we found a dog, and every few feet noticed rabbits, gophers, ground moles, or snakes that had gathered there for safety.
The current of the river is fearful, and the waves roll two feet in height.
From the overflow at this place, we should judge the city of Wichita to be flooded with water, and the country adjacent to the river in Arkansas City completely deluged. The losses from bridges alone will be considerable, to say nothing of the great destruction of grain fields.
The bridge at this place originally cost $13,000, and the damage to it cannot be replaced short of $4,000 or $5,000. An effort will be made to rebuild that portion that has been carried away at once, or to have a ferry run until it is done.
WICHITA has a St. Louis, and Kansas Central Railroad
ROCK CREEK, BEAVER, CRESWELL, and BOLTON TOWNSHIPS are to vote on the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railway proposition next Tuesday, May 29th.
When the official paper of the county resorts to petty tricks to make a call for a railroad illegal, it would be well enough for the commissioners to look for some other source to secure the work of the county.
The Courier takes the trouble to make the Sheriff's proclamation calling an election for Beaver and Bolton townships, on the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway, come on the 29th day of April instead of May. Too thin, gentlemen. The TRAVELER makes the legal announcement this time, and has it correct. The people were fortunate enough to see to that before the election was called.
Next Tuesday a portion of the people of the west valley of the Walnut will be called upon to accept or reject the only definite railroad proposition Cowley county has ever had. By its acceptance, you bring prospertity to yourselves and neighbors; a ready cash market for your grain and produce, and the general benefits attending a railroad. The proposition has been thoroughly canvassed and your minds should be decided. Let your votes now bring about the long cherished wish of your hearts and the welfare of the people.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until noon Saturday, the 26th inst., for the delivery at his agency, on or before the 30th day of June, next, of one hundred cows and their calves. They must be natives, healthy, and in good condition for stock cattle. The age of the cows must not be more than six years in any case, and the weight of each not less than five hundred and fifty pounds (gross). Separate bids may be put in for a few of these cows without calves.
Bids will also be received for two bulls, not more than 3 years old.
The privilege is reserved of increasing or diminishing the number called for, to an extent not exceeding twenty-five percent.
The privilege is reserved of rejecting any or all bids.
The successful bidder will be required to enter into contract, with approved bond for the faithful performance of his obligations.
U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, I. T.
Via Muskogee, Indian Territory.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
Attempted Abduction of a Young Woman
From Grouse Creek By Two Young Men.
Last Saturday afternoon two young men driving a team of black horses with a buggy, stopped at a house on Grouse creek where a young lady of sixteen years of age was stopping with her brother-in-law. Seeing she was alone, one of them alighted and went to the door and asked the young lady if she didn't want to take a ride. She replied that she would not be likely to, with a stranger. "Well then, you will have to go, for I have come to take you."
Apprehending that he meant foul play, she reached above the door and took down a revolver, and pointed it at his breast, when he exclaimed: "You are not going to shoot, are you?"
She replied, "I am, if you don't leave the house."
He then said: "I guess you won't shoot. Come and go to the Kaw Agency?"
As he said this, he advanced toward her, when she pulled the trigger and fired; the ball passing just under his arm and lodging in the side of the house, taking part of his clothing with it.
With a yell of agony he ran backwards, exclaiming: "My God! Don't shoot me!"
"Leave the house then. I have another ball and will kill you if you don't leave!"
The man in the buggy then called to him: "For God's sake, let her alone, you drunken fool; she'll blow hell out of you in a minute!"
He then ran towards the buggy and the two drove off, in an eastern direction. They came from the direction of Winfield, and had a gray horse tied behind the buggy. Both were well dressed and gentlemanly looking men, and drove a good team. The girl had been sick and was very feeble. The nearest house was Mr. Chancey's, and that a half mile distant, so that after they had left, she did not have any chance to inform anyone until her brother-in-law returned in the evening, and then it was too late to follow them.
We withhold the young lady's name at her own request; but can produce it if any clue to the parties is found. Had it not been for the wonderful courage of the girl, her fate might have been too horrible to narrate.
If such unruly hell hounds are roaming about the country, it will be well enough to prepare for them.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
It was our privilege to meet the good people of Osage Agency at the nuptial ceremonies of Mr. Stubbs and Miss Finney, on Thursday evening, May 3rd, and seldom have we seen a more social and joyous group of individuals. We were surprised to meet there ladies and gentlemen who had graced the best society in the land, and others whose presence would adorn any reputable society.
Our host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Florer, spared no pains to make everything pleasant for their guests, and how admirably they succeeded, the good feeling and hearty enjoyment of all present may testify.
We congratulate our friend, Stubbs, in his success in marrying into one of the most reputable families of the State of Ohio. Rev. Mr. Finney and his noble wife, the parents of Mrs. Stubbs, and "the boys," known to all, were missionaries of the Presbyterian church in the State of Ohio, and their sterling character and earnest piety contributed in no small degree to the high position which that State takes today in all questions of morals and religion. Though now in heaven, yet the impress of their lives and character is reflected in their children.
We extend our congratulations also to Mr. Ed. Finney and his estimable wife in their recent and happy union, and take this occasion to assure both of these recently married couples that the best wishes of their many friends in this community accompany them to their new homes.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
Houses Blown Down--Man Killed.
A terrible wind storm swept over a portion of the county last Saturday night, destroying fences, tearing trees out by the roots, and blowing houses to pieces. It came from the southwest and went northeast. On Badger Creek, five miles northeast of Winfield, the stone house of George W. Vaneter was blown down, and Mr. Vaneter killed by the falling rock while he was lying asleep in bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaver, living close by, were severely hurt by the falling of some timbers of their frame house, while Mr. Hill, living one and one-half miles from Vaneter's, had his stone house scattered in every direction without being hurt. Some of the furniture from his dwelling was carried miles away.
The house of Robert Devore was also blown down, as well as Mr. Townsley's. Mr. White's house, in this township, was also completely wrecked.
Great excitement prevailed during the storm, and the people were almost wild with frenzy. At this place there was no unusual occurrence. A strong wind was blowing, but we were fortunate enough to be out of the line of the storm.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
The following attorneys were in attendance upon the present term of the District Court: Hon. Alfred L. Redden, of Eldorado; Mr. White, Howard City; Judge M. S. Adams, Wichita; Mr. McBryan, Sedan; Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Amos Walton, Judge Christian, E. B. Kager and Col. McMullen, of Arkansas City; and Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, Pryor & Pryor, Jennings & Buckman, Pyburn & Seward, Jas. McDermott, Henry E. Asp, E. S. Torrance, J. E. Allen, L. J. & Linus Webb, D. A. Millington, A. H. Green, W. M. Boyer, J. M. Alexander, of Winfield.
JOHN HARMON is living on an island.
THE GRASSHOPPERS are no longer feared.
PARASOLS and linen coats at church last Sunday.
The mail has not arrived at this place since Saturday.
We have a specimen of flax, measuring nine inches long.
The bridges, mills, and dams on the Walnut are all right.
MARTIN BARBER was acquitted for shooting his brother.
We saw green peaches this week that weighed half an ounce.
COWLEY COUNTY has a half dozen "Centennial" school houses.
MR. SHOEMAKER's house on the Arkansas is entirely surrounded by water.
TISDALE township is one of the best upland townships for corn in the county.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallotti on Saturday, the 12th of May.
POTATOES. James H. Lee, of Windsor township, has new potatoes as large as walnuts.
MR. BENTLEY, formerly of this place, but late of Winfield, has returned to his home in Illinois.
JOHN SMITH shipped $3,000 worth of hogs from Tisdale last week. There is money in hogs in this county.
VERNON TOWNSHIP will support the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad, and have a road of their own.
LIVE cedars, cottonwoods, and other trees passed down the Arkansas on Sunday at the rate of five miles an hour.
SEVERAL HOUSES near the banks of the Arkansas are entirely surrounded with water, and the floors of many flooded.
The meeting announced by Winfield parties at Worden's school house in Vernon township, Saturday evening, did not take place.
It is proposed to repair the bridge just damaged by the recent flooding from the Arkansas, also to erect another bridge west of town.
HOUSE BLOWN DOWN. Last Saturday night the frame house of old Mr. White's near Grouse creek was blown down, and the old lady badly hurt.
One man fell from the remainder of the bridge on the Bolton side last Sunday, but caught hold of one of the piles before being carried down stream.
NEW HOUSE. Regardless of grasshoppers, floods, and other drawbacks, W. H. Walker is building a cosy dwelling on the corner opposite his place of business.
Dr. Alexander, Al., and Henry Mowry made a longer stay in Bolton last Saturday then they expected. Will Stewart and some others also remained on this side.
MARRIED. Thursday, May 10th, 1877, at the residence of Mr. A. M. Smythia, in the Indian Territory, Mr. L. S. Ganes to Miss Mary V. Gibson, by the Rev. J. Hopkins.
We had occasion to cross the Walnut yesterday, and got in the boat from the southeast corner of the townsite, and were rowed to near the foot of the bluff at Whitney's.
There was such a volume of water passing over the dam in the Walnut last Saturday and Sunday that it scarcely made a ripple, where it ordinarily has a fall of four feet.
The Board of County Commissioners meet the first Monday in June to equalize the taxation of the county. Erroneous assessments that should be rectified will then be attended to.
Last Saturday as Thomas Callahan was rowing Jerry Tucker and three others over the Walnut, the boat capsized, and all were thrown into the river. They made their way to the shore in
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
MARRIED HIS COUSIN. Last week Levi Ganes visited this place with Miss Gibson for the purpose of being married in the Indian Territory, as they had no license, and the young lady was his cousin. They found a minister in Bolton township and repaired to the Territory and were pronounced one. Since their return, the father of the bride has entered a suit of criminal action against Levi, for marrying a relative contrary to the laws of this State, and the young man stands a fair chance to learn a trade behind a grated door for the next three years.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
$100 FOR BITING HIS EAR. J. G. Titus, who was arrested for assault and battery inflicted on the person of one R. B. Corkins, was fined $100 for the amusement. The quarrel originated from Corkins taking up some cattle belong to Mr. Titus, and demanding pay before he would release them. Mr. Titus went to him on the last occasion while Corkins was plowing in the field. Words were exchanged, and finally Titus hit him on the back of the head and knocked him down, and during the affray bit a part of his ear off. Corkins objected to this ear work, and brought suit for damage, and received $100. He is well satisfied with the court's decision, and will sell the balance of that ear at the same rate--$100 a bite.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
TAX ROLLS. The returns of the Township Assessors for 1877 have all been sent in to the County Clerk--the first return being that of W. H. Clay, of Sheridan township, and the last that of Lay, of Omnia. They show the entire taxable property of Cowley County to be $1,900,000. There are 50,000 acres of wheat in the county, 48,000 acres of corn, 17,000 head of cattle, 15,000 swine, 5,000 sheep, and a population of 12,000 people. On the first day of March, 1876, there were 225,000 bushels of corn on hand in the county, and on the first day of March, 1877, there were only 100,000 bushels.
DISTRICT COURT in Cowley county adjourned last Thursday evening. Barber was sentenced to six months in the county jail for attempting to commit rape on his half sister.
Zebulum Foster was committed to one year in the Kansas Penitentiary for forgery and attempting to sell the forged note at the two banks in Winfield. The names he had himself signed to the note were Saul Smith, John Smith, and Barney Shriver.
CORN. JOHN McGUIRE, the merchant at Tisdale, has 4,000 bushels of the best corn we have seen in the county that he offers for thirty-five cents per bushel in the crib. McGuire is doing a good business in dry goods and general merchandise at the center town of the county, and marks his goods down as low as any of his competitors.
JAMES KELLY and MR. BUCKMAN, of Winfield, called on us last week. They came down to talk to the people of Bolton township on the Parsons railway, and spoke at Theaker's school house Thursday evening. They abandoned the meeting at Bland's on Friday evening on account of the rain.
UNDER WATER. We learn from parties just down from Wichita that the streets of that town are flooded, and water covers the floors of many houses and half way up the counters of the stores. The bridges across the Arkansas are gone at Wichita, El Paso, and Oxford.
Some thief broke into Eistlin's store in Winfield last Wednesday night and stole some money, clothing, boots, and other articles. He left his old shoes. A number of tramps have been hanging around that place for a week or more.
L. J. JOHNSON, the man who was to erect a mill on Grouse creek, has collected a prairie wolf, a wild cat, a raccoon, a rattlesnake, and a gopher, and intends engaging in the show business. The mill project has been abandoned by these.
A heavy storm prevailed last Saturday night near Winfield, during which the roof was blown from a stone house, causing the falling of part of the rock from the top of the wall, which killed one man and broke anothers back.
JUDGE DEVORE, the first Treasurer Cowley County ever had, lately married Pennyroyal Seacatt. It is not the first instance, however, of a man marrying a cat, but they are generally of the wild species.
DIED. On Saturday, May 12th, Isabel Brown, daughter of
W. H. and Sarah Brown. Aged fourteen years, one month, and eighteen days. She was buried on the following Monday.
The chimney of A. J. Pyburn's in Winfield caught fire yesterday, but was soon extinguished.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
AUCTION SALE. A quantity of second hand carpets, bedding, dishes, etc., will be sold on Saturday next, at 2 p.m., at public auction, in the Green Front Store, Arkansas City; 6 months time will be given on amounts over $3 with good security.
TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.
RECAP: Sheriff R. L. Walker, G. W. McIntire, Deputy, selling at public auction 159.60 acres of land to satisfy suit made by Lyman C. Norton against George O. Sweet and Ann F. Sweet.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
The bonds have been defeated in Rock Creek and Beaver townships, and still we are determined to have a railroad and will get it.
Petitions are now being circulated in Elk County, asking that an election be called to vote $4,000 per mile to the
L. L. & G. Company, for a standard gauge railway from Independence, via the Elk valley to Cowley county.
Railroad Bond Election.
The following is the result of the township elections to vote aid to the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway, held Tuesday, May 29th, 1877. The amount of aid asked of Rock township was $20,500; of Beaver, $19,000; of Creswell, $26,500; of Bolton, $21,500.
ROCK CREEK 50 138 --- 88 188
BEAVER, CRESWELL 228 7 221 --- 235
BOLTON (EAST) 34 12 22 --- 46
BOLTON (WEST) 69 14 55 --- 83
PARTIES from Winfield claim to have a proposition from the Santa Fe Company, offering to build a railroad into this county for $4,000 per mile, right of way and depot grounds. The Santa Fe Company have made a number of promises, and whether this one is made simply to defeat the Kansas City & Emporia project or not remains to be seen. Only a few months ago they rentered into a written contract with the people of Eldorado, pledging themselves that if that town would secure $3,000 per mile for them, they would build to them and make them the terminus for three years. Now they want $4,000 per mile and propose to go by them.
Owing to high water and the danger of crossing the streams, a majority of eighty one voters of this county said they wanted the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth Railway, Western Branch, and voted $120,000 in bonds toward it. In Cedar and Otter townships, and West Bolton precinct the proposition did not receive a vote favoring it. According to the contract the road is to be built from Parsons to the L. L. & G. Railroad in seven months. The distance is fourteen and a half miles--two miles of road to be built every month. The proposition has not yet been voted on in Elk county. When it is defeated there the friends of the imaginary road will begin to wonder if the road really is to be built; and will keep wondering.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
The following letter to the Winfield Railway Committee by the President of the A., T. & S. F. Company is what is claimed to be the proposition for a road into this county. Inasmuch as it asks $4,000 per mile in county bonds from Butler county, in place of the $3,000 per mile in township bonds already voted, we do not think Butler county will accept it. And as no depots are specified in Rock and Pleasant Valley townships, the people thereof will not consider it very favorable. The whole matter rests with Eldorado and the townships of Butler county, and as many of the citizens thereof have already declared their intentions to hold the terminus at the county seat of Butler, we cannot expect much from the present enterprise.
Copy of the Letter.
TOPEKA, May 18, 1877.
Messrs. A. A. Jackson, J. E. Platter, A. B. Lemmon, Committee:
GENTLEMEN: Referring to our conversation this morning, I will say that if you can induce Butler and Cowley counties to cooperate in the following plan, we will build immediately to Winfield, and later to the State line. The conditions are as follows:
The road to be built under the existing charter of the
A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co., or under the general law, as we may prefer. Butler county to grant bonds to the extent of $4,000 per mile, instead of the township bonds hitherto voted in said county, amounting to $60,000. Said bonds to run twenty years, to bear interest at the rate of eight percent, and the bonds and coupons to be receivable in payment of all taxes. Cowley county to grant bonds to the extent of $4,000 per mile, similar in character to the above. Said bonds to be delivered to the railroad company in each county, in sections of not less than five miles, as soon as said sections are completed. The railroad company to receive right of way and depot grounds free of charge. The railroad is to be left free to establish its depots wherever in its opinion the business calls for them. The road to Winfield to be finished inside of eight months, and that to Arkansas City inside of eighteen months. We propose to finish to Winfield in time for this year's crops, but cannot run the risk of losing the bonds in case we are impeded by strikes, or other unforeseen accidents. But we will agree, in case we are behindhand in finishing the road to Winfield, to pay any forfeit named by you for each week of delay, provided you now agree to pay us the same forfeit for each week in case we finish it ahead of the time agreed, and we will make the same agreement regarding Arkansas City.
You understand that this requires the assent of the townships in Butler county that have voted us bonds, as we do not propose to change our bargain with them without their consent.
Very truly yours,
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
On Thursday evening of last week occurred a terrible shooting affray at this place.
It was but another scene in the Peterson and Bybee tragedy. For some time there has been a series of quarrels and troubles between parties known as Hell's Benders. At the March term of court, Bybee was acquitted of committing an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill Peterson. Since then both parties have gone armed and prepared for each other. Peterson has received several letters saying he must leave the county or he would be killed; but having a family to support, he thought best to remain and act on the defense.
During the day Bybee had threatened to kill Peterson, saying he was a Ku Klux from Hell's Bend and would carry it out.
About 7 o'clock p.m., both parties met in front of the law office of Albright & Hill, when words passed about shooting it out, etc. Bybee drew a revolver and fired, grazing the side of Peterson. Almost simultaneously Peterson fired, using a needle gun, the ball striking the upper lip, knocking out several teeth, striking the tongue, and passing out at the right jaw of Bybee.
Peterson immediately went to his house, where he remained until he was arrested a few minutes later by Deputy Sheriff, J. A.
We advise our readers to withhold their verdict till they hear the testimony. Cedar Vale Blade.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
Indian Affairs.
Camp Robinson, Nebraska, May 23. The Cheyenne Indians of this place are feeling very bitter against the Sioux for harsh treatment received at their hands after being defeated last fall, and not wishing to live near them long, requested a few days ago to be removed to the Indian Territory.
After consulting the commissioner of Indian Affairs, Gen. Sheridan has given the authority for the transfer. They will start about the 28th inst., under charge of Lieut. Lawton of the Fourth cavalry, and will cross the Union Pacific railroad at Sidney. This band numbers about 1,150 persons, all told.
The six companies of the Fourth cavalry now stationed here are under orders to march in a few days. They will return to the department of the Missouri.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
Mr. Isaac Wood, of West Vernon, called on Tuesday. Mr. Wood reports the Arkansas River up to his door, and all over the second bottom. All the families residing on the second bottom have been compelled to abandon their homes--the water running right through their houses. Several families had to be rescued with rafts by their neighbors, the rise of the river was so sudden. There is an immense loss in property and crops, but no lives have been lost so far as we can learn. Mr. Wood, himself, has over thirty acres of nice growing corn under water, and several acres of number one wheat. Telegram.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
"Micky" Jim--the stage driver from Wichita to El Paso--was seriously hurt on Tuesday of last week in crossing the bridge over the little creek at the Dutch Ranche, some few miles this side of Wichita. He was driving his four horses and the heavy coach. The leaders getting frightened backed off the bridge, pulling the whole outfit after them. The horses were all more or less injured, and the coach smashed into flinders. "Micky" went down with the coach and horses, and sustained very serious injuries--his arm being broken and his back badly hurt.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
Statistics of Cowley County for 1877.
The following are the statistics of Cowley County as returned by the Trustees of said county for the year 1877.
No. of acres of land under cultivation: 95,220.
No. of acres of land under fence but not under cultivation: 27,034.
No. of acres of winter whest sown in fall of 1876: 50,621.
No. of acres of rye shown in fall of 1876: 4,477-7/12.
No. of acres of corrn planted in the year 1877: 47,795.
No. of acres of barley sown: 236.
No. of acres of oats sown: 5,703.
No. of acres of buckwheat sown: 15.
No. of acres of Irish potatoes sown: 641.
No. of acres of sweet potatoes sown: 14.
No. of acres of sorghum sown: 436.
No. of acres of castor beans sown: 17.
No. of acres of cotton sown: 34-5/16.
No. of acres of flax sown: 395-1/2.
No. of acres of hemp sown: 5/8.
No. of acres of tobacco sown: 10-1/8.
No. of acres of broomcorn sown: 41-2/5.
No. of acres of millet and hungarian: 3,027-1/2.
No. of bushels old corn on hand March 1st: 213,642.
Produce of garden markets: 1,683.
Value of poultry and eggs sold during the year: $5,679.
Pounds of cheese made in factory: 4,230.
Pounds of cheese made in family: 260.
Pounds of butter: 210,712.
No. of horses: 4,501.
No. of mules and asses: 881.
No. of milch cows: 3,891.
No. of other cattle: 8,236.
No. of sheep: 4,883.
No. of swine: 14,982.
Value of animals slaughtered: $67,157.
No. of hogs died of cholera during the year: 63.
No. of sheep died during the year: 232.
No. of pounds of wool crop of 1876: 15,435.
No. of acres of nurseries: 46-7/8.
No. of apple trees in bearing: 5,363.
No. of pear trees in bearing: 340.
No. of peach trees in bearing: 144,371.
No. of plumb trees in bearing: 1,845.
No. of cherry trees in bearing: 2,047.
No. of apple trees not in bearing: 66,606.
No. of pear trees not in bearing: 2,805.
No. of peach trees not in bearing: 116,539.
No. of plumb trees not in bearing: 3,726.
No. of cherry trees not in bearing: 8,866.
No. of acres small fruit: 94-1/4.
No. of cultivated forest trees: 272.
No. of miscellaneous trees not otherwise mentioned: 27,702.
No. acres of vineyard: 43-1/4.
Population of county: 11,722.
STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County.
I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for the county and State aforesaid do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct statement as showed by the records in my office.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
RIPE gooseberries in the city.
EGGS are plentiful at Osage Agency.
J. L. STUBBS and wife returned to Osage Agency yesterday.
JAMES M. NAPIER has been appointed postmaster at Nenescah, this county.
JOHN GRIMES and party, who left here in wagons, expect to be in Denver today.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, a daughter, on Thursday, May 27th.
DR. SHEPARD has removed his office to the room over Gardner & Co.'s drug store.
The editor expects to take a trip to Denver and the Rocky Mountains next month.
What has become of the nineteen hundred petitioners that wanted an east and west road?
We are glad to learn that the cancer has been taken from Mrs. Bowers, and she is recovering.
Rev. Fleming has had to swim a river and ride sixty miles to marry different parties lately.
MR. HARTSOCK in interested in a Short Creek lead mine in Cherokee county, Kansas, and preparing to work it.
CHESTER LOVELAND, formerly a resident of this place made a short call last week. He came down from Wichita on Thomas Baird's lumber raft.
The farmers of Butler county are so bitterly opposed to the new Santa Fe project that they threatened to mob one of their leading men if he advocated it.
THE CENTRAL HOTEL AT WINFIELD is now conducted by Majors & Vance. Business was too rushing for one, and resulted in adding an additional gentleman as host.
WINFIELD acknowledges now that the Parsons road project was only to "bulldoze" the Santa Fe into building into this county. That's all well enough, but why fool the people.
The Pawnees are becoming nearly civilized and now wear shirts. The fact would not be noticed if they did not persist in floating the tail end to the breeze, as they pass up and down our streets.
Last Friday morning, in the road north of town, we noticed thousands of small, leadish colored worms about one inch long, similar to the "thousand legged worm." They were almost as thick as hail on the ground.
The Little Colonel is marshaling his forces to storm the county to carry a proposition for the Santa Fe Company, and add laurels to his individual crown. He has secured the support of the Winfield press and attorneys.
A wagon will carry parties to and from the river free of charge, until the ferry is built. They will also convey them across the river in a boat. The rope has been sent for and the boat is building, so that before many days the ferry will be running.
DROWNED. Wallace Blood, of Eldorado, was drowned last week while trying to swim the Walnut river. He had his clothes tied about his neck, and had nearly reached the opposite shore when he was taken down by a whirlpool. His body was found by dragging the river.
NOTICE the card of Doctors W. A. and A. W. Cormack, Room No. 1, in City Hotel building. Both gentlemen are graduates of the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, and physicians of twelve years experience. We commend them to our people.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday, May 24th, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. Russell Baird and Miss Mary A. Kimell, both of the noble and prosperous township of Bolton.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
Railway Bond Election.
Official abstract of votes cast in Cowley county, Kansas, on the 22nd day of May, 1877, on the proposition to vote $120,000 to the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth Railway, Western Branch.
FOR: 1,335
AGAINST: 1,254
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
LUMBER RAFT. Last week Thos. Baird, Will Alexander, Chester Loveland, and a stranger, lashed 15,000 feet of pine lumber together, at Wichita, making three rafts of it, and started for this place.
For awhile everything was a success, but as the lumber became soaked and the lashing more slack, trouble begam to grow apparent. They followed the current, making time at the rate of ten miles an hour, until the river made a sudden bend, when one of the rafts struck a tree. The man jumped off of it and tied the rope, but the current was too swift, and it sped on down the river. When the others came along they tied up for the night, and in the morning went in search of the missing raft, which they found in a corn field not far away. The result of the experiment was, one raft left seven miles from Wichita, one left twelve miles above Oxford, and one that came through all right. The boys think if they were to try it again, they could come through safely.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
MR. DANIEL GRANT sold his farm of 120 acres to Peter Hayner and Isaac Austin, who have commenced building a house and buying cattle. They intend to handle stock, and look and act like energetic businessmen. We would like to have more like them.
There is now on exhibition at T. K. Johnson's drug store, the petrified tooth of a Mastodon, which measures 4-1/2 inches in width and 7-1/2 inches in length. The eentire root has been broken off, and yet the remainder of the tooth-enameled part--weighs something near four pounds. It is a monster and well worth looking at. Was found in Silverdale township, near the mouth of Silver creek. Telegram.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
Drs. Cormack tender their professional services to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity. Office Room No. 1, City Hotel.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
WANTED. A girl to do general housework.
NOTICE. On and after May 20th, 1877, I will have native lumber for sale at my plce 1-1/2 miles northeast of Arkansas City. I wish also at that time to sell a large quantity of fire wood, and will let contracts for cutting and hauling the same. Parties wanting anything in the shape of native lumber or wood can apply to me personally, or leave their orders at the office of Mitchell & Channell. WM. COOMBS.
WILL LEONARD is expected home from Emporia soon.
ICE two cents per pound, and the thermometer at 90 in the shade.
One aristocratic lawyer boards himself and family at the Central Avenue.
MRS. GRAY, AT CAPTAIN NORTON'S FORMER RESIDENCE, has a number of beautiful flowers in full bloom.
MR. BULLENE, of Leavenworth, contractor for the Walnut river bridge, came down last Thursday. June 2nd, is the day specified that it shall be completed, but the recent high waters will detain them.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
House Destroyed.
EAST CRESSWELL, May 21, 1877.
Friend Scott:
Last Saturday night, a heavy storm visited this locality, and did much damage. The wind came first from the southeast, then from the south, and then from the west. The southeast wind struck Mr. White's blacksmith shop, tearing it to pieces and carrying the roof about sixty yards.
His house came next, in which he and Mrs. White were sleeping. They jumped up, but before they had time to think, the house was torn away and they were buried in the ruins. The upper floor fell upon them, and one end of it struck upon a pile of dirt, and thus saved them from being crushed to pieces. Mr. White worked his way out and helped his wife out, and they had to wade through the rain, mud, and water to the nearest neighbors. Mr. White is badly bruised, but is able to be up. Mrs. White is very seriously, if not fatally injured.
The house and shop are scattered over the prairie, some boards and other articles being carried a hundred yards.
The force of the wind can be explained by its effect upon fences, many posts being torn from the ground while others were broken off.
Evidently this was the hardest storm ever witnessed in this section. Fortunately no lives lost.
TRAVELER, MAY 30, 1877.
San Antonio Express reported the total drive for 1877 will be 218,900 cattle to be driven north this season.
I did not bother with the breakdown given.
The list did not comprise a few herds in the neighborhood and west of Ft. Worth. They figured that would swell the number to 250,000 head.